As we head into the final days before Tuesday’s election, I’d like to try something else we’ve never done here before.
Tell us which city council and school committee candidates you are excited about voting for on Nov. 7 and why. But don’t tell us about their opponents. We just want to hear about the folks you will be enthusiastically voting for. And please limit your comments here to just your preferred city council and school committee candidates, not the mayor’s race, not the charter.
*Comments about opponents, the mayoral race and the charter will be deleted no matter how brilliant or insightful. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all. There are many other threads where you can express your angst or anything else.
Good luck and be kind.
Cyrus Vaghar has earned my vote. We need the School Committee to take student concerns seriously and Cyrus, the only NPS grad running in a contested SC race this year, is the only candidate who will put students first.
The school committee has some good candidates this year, which is exciting. I am supporting Cyrus Vaghar, Matthew Miller, Bridget Ray-Canada, and Anpeng Shen. I think they all have such stellar energy and passion for our public schools.
Met Anpeng Shen out campaigning this morning. Very impressive credentials and he fully understands the issues.
I think he and Matthew Miller will be great additions to the School Committee. They will bring knowledge, energy and passion.
Brian Yates has the institutional knowledge and deep appreciation of our Village Centers. He deserves re-election in Ward 5.
Two school committee candidates most clearly promote late high school start times–Cyrus Vagher and Eileen Sandberg. I will be voting for both with no hesitation.
I’m so excited by the young, progressive, diverse set of candidates we have to choose from this year. I’m supporting the candidates that have been endorsed by Progressive Newton, plus Jake Auchincloss in ward 2.
Here’s my full list for city council:
Ward 1 At-Large: Alison Leary – Nicole Castillo
Ward 2 At-Large: Susan Albright – Jake Auchincloss
Ward 3 At-Large: Andrea Kelley
Ward 5 At-Large: Deb Crossley – Andreae Downs
Ward 1 Ward-Only: Maria Scibelli Greenberg
Ward 4 Ward-Only: Allison Sharma (Write-In)
Ward 6 Ward-Only: Brenda Noel
And school committee:
Ward 1 At-Large: Bridget Ray-Canada
Ward 8 At-Large: Matthew Miller
I will be voting for new comers Brenda Noel, Andreae Downs , Nicole Castillo and Andrea Kelly for City Council . They bring professional expertise in their respective fields that will no doubt benefit the city greatly. They have shown impressive organization in their campaigning and interest in looking for better ways to do things. I am also happy to support veterans Alison Leary, Susan Albright, Jake Auchincloss and Deb Crossley for their demonstrated leadership on many important city issues.
If I could I would also vote for Allison Sharma and Maria Greenberg. They are fighting the establishment. They have shown heart moving forward as underdogs. They are community leaders and doers. This is an important perspective.
Vote Brenda Noel Ward 6 City Hello all
We have been fortunate to know Brenda over the past 8 years. She is our dear friend and the mother of the Fairchild twins from Mason Rice and Brown Middle School. If you live in Ward 6, you can vote for her. She listens and collaborates and works as the development director of a housing non-profit for developmentally and intellectually disabled adults. Her vision of the role of the city councilor is forward-thinking – She is so excited about our collective future and loves Newton from the bottom of her heart. She will promote a variety of housing options, be innovative about traffic issues, lead on environmental issues and work on enhancing the village centers that we know and love.
This is going to be a very close election, and Krisztina & I urge you all to get out to the polls next Tuesday and VOTE for Brenda Noel.
You can check out her website at :
Thanks for your kind consideration, and I encourage you all to get out and vote, regardless of whom you support. As recently learned, we cannot take our democracy for granted !!!
Sunny & Krisztina Chander
We’re lucky to have so many smart, dedicated and talented people running for various posts in Newton. However, I’m most excited to cast my votes for ALLISON SHARMA and MATTHEW MILLER.
Allison is running as a write-in candidate in Ward 4. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and has a great understanding of the issues facing Newton. Vibrant villages, sensible development, and excellent education are a few of her priorities. She has run an amazing campaign, working extra-hard as a write-in candidate, and I know she will be incredibly committed and approachable if elected.
Matthew Miller is running for School Committee, but most of the city knew or knew of Matthew, long before he started his campaign. He has been deeply involved in volunteering for Newton Public Schools and Destination Imagination, as well as his neighborhood organization. Matthew cares about kids, families and education. He will be a fantastic member of the School Committee.
For city councilors I am going to vote for:
Nicole Castillo and Alison Leary,
Susan Albright and Jake Auchincloss,
Andrea Kelley,
Deb Crossley and Andrea Downs.
For School Commitee I am going to vote for:
Bridget Ray-Canada,
Margaret Albright,
Eileen Sandberg (I *wish* I could vote for Angping Shen as well), and
Matthew Miller.
Candidates convinced me to vote for them because of what they said in their personal online videos and in debates (I saw in person or online). Matthew Miller I met in a meet and great coffee event a while ago, and I knew that I was going to vote for him after that event. Everything I heard from him after that just cemented my decision.
For School Committee: Please remember – all Newton voters can vote for these two candidates whom I consider to be two of the best candidates to run in years.
-Bridget Ray-Canada
-Matthew Miller
Coincilor-at-Large (all Newton voters can vote for these candidates
Ward 1: Nicole Castillo, Alison Leary
Ward 2: Jake Auchincloss
Ward 3: Andrea Kelly
Ward 4: Josh Krintzman
Ward 5: Andreae Downs
Ward 6: Blank
Ward 7: Rebecca Grossman
Ward 8: David Kalis, Rick Lipof
Ward councilors I wish I could vote for:
Ward 1: Maria Greenberg
Ward 4: Allison Sharma (organized write-in campaign in place)
Ward 6: Brenda Noel
May be adding to the list after a few conversations. These are tough decisions!
For School Committee, Matthew Miller. I was extremely impressed when I first met him in April, and he was so thoughtful in answering questions. I had the chance for some one on one conversations afterwards and only became more impressed. His background and experience is just tremendous, of course, but even more important are his energy, enthusiasm, empathy and listening skills.
For Ward 4 Councilor , Allison Sharma. I never met her in person until after she started her write in campaign, but an very impressed. She has energy and ideas and has been running an incredible campaign. We are so lucky she stepped up!
Hello all
A reminder that we specially dedicated this thread to council and school candidates, not candidates for mayor.
Out of fairness to those who’ve followed the rules, comments that include a mayoral endorsement have been removed but we hope those folks will republish their other endorsements.
We have many able candidates to vote for on the City Council and School Committee, but here are two:
– With his long career in public service, Ward Five Councilor at Large Brian Yates has a unique knowledge of Newton and its villages, as well as of the zoning ordinances whose upcoming revision will shape our future.
– School Committee Candidate Gail Spector will bring her journalistic experience on the Newton TAB to the task of explaining the value of the Newton Schools to all Newton citizens.
– Lisle Baker, Ward Councilor, Ward Seven
Greg- Oops! Thanks for the reminder. I’ll repost.
I posted a list and left some people off by mistake, so I’m reposting:
School Committee:
Ward 1: Bridget Ray-Canada
Ward 8: Matthew Miller
*Bridget and Matt are two of the best SC candidates to run in recent years
Councilor at-Large: (all Newton voters can vote for these candidates)
Ward 1: Allison Leary, Nicole Castillo
Ward 2: Susan Albright, Jake Auchincloss
Ward 3: Andrea Kelly
Ward 4: Josh Krintzman
Ward 5: Andreae Downs, Deb Crossley
Ward 6: Leaving blank
Ward 7: Rebecca Grossman
Ward 8: David Kalis, Rick Lipof
Ward Councilors I wish I could vote for:
Ward 1: Maria Scibelli Greenberg
Ward 4: Allison Sharma (Write In candidate. Remember to write Allison’s name AND fill in the bubble.
Ward 6: Brenda Noel
Ward 8: Cheryl Lappin
Ward 5: John Rice
In Ward 1 I will be voting for Franco Cedrone. Franco is a local businessman with two degrees, one from Wentworth University and one from Bentley University. He has a great temperament, and has lived in Nonantum for many years. He raised three children in this comminity.
Ward 1 At-Large Janet Sterman and Jay Ciccone have my vote. I have known Janet for 15 years and love her strong independent views. She would be a great addition to the City Council. Jay is a lifelong friend. He fights hard for the things he believes in. Jay is not afraid to swim against the tide on issues. He is always willing to listen and give feedback when there is an issue.
For School Committee Ward 1 I will vote for Kathy Marchi. I had the pleasure of meeting her and loved her experience and her views on Special Education.
Ward 2 Coucilor At-Large Braden Houston has my vote. I loved his responses during the debate on New TV.
Ward 2 School Committee I will be voting for Margaret Albright. I believe Margaret is the most qualified candidate of all members on the School Committee. She has extensive knowledge in different educational programs and methodology and she has experience in finance and grant writing. If Margaret doesn’t know something she will take the time to research the topic. All of Margaret’s decisions are well thought out.
Ward 8 I will vote for Matthew Miller. I am a former Memorial Spaulding parent. Matthew was on the PTO. He was a positive force. I reconnected with Matthew recently at a SEPAC candidate forum. I loved his responses!
Please vote Tuesday!
I’m about to begin my fourth and final term on the School Committee (SC) and I’m very hopeful that you’ll help me elect an excellent team. Five of the nine SC seats will turn over, so this election counts, a lot, towards maintaining the significant gains that Newton Public Schools (NPS) has made over the past half-decade. May I share with you the candidates that I hope you will support?
First, here’s the standard I apply to candidates: The SC is a high-altitude, policy-making board. Effective members draw on their experience, research issues thoroughly, think carefully about trade-offs, discuss with their colleagues, and work respectfully to persuade others in order to approach consensus. Without this we can’t provide meaningful guidance to NPS. A member’s objectivity and interpersonal skills matter more than any specific advocacy positions they bring with them into elected office. I’ll put it another way — I’m not voting for the people I like, I’m voting for the people who I am convinced have the specific skill set and knowledge base to do this job well.
Ward One
Kathy has been devoted for decades, both professionally and as a volunteer, in supporting our students and their families in areas of Social Emotional Learning, afterschool educational and programming opportunities, suicide prevention, and mental health. Kathy can hit the ground running and this is especially important in a year with so many new seats.
Ward Two
Margaret is usually the best informed person in the room about educational policy, and she is one of the most thoughtful and respectful people I know. She is a consultant to school districts around the state and brings her deep knowledge and understanding of educational and school policy to all of her efforts on SC.
Ward Three
Both very good people, with very different attributes and compelling stories. I like them both a lot, will gladly serve with either of them, and wish them well in the race — I will not make a recommendation in this race.
Ward Eight
Mayor Setti Warren, who endorses almost nobody, just endorsed Gail! As a full member of the School Committee he knows the attributes it takes to be effective. We’ve all seen these attributes at work from Gail’s five public years as editor of the Newton TAB — she is thoughtful, informed, and courageous in the face of strong opinions from others. Drawing on her journalism skills she challenges conventional wisdom and makes those around her work harder to develop and strengthen their positions.
Thank you, please remember to vote on November 7th, and please, help me elect a great team for Newton School Committee — Kathy, Margaret, Anping or Eileen, and Gail!
All my best, Steve
Steve, I must have pretty good taste since I have voted for you in every election. For people who care about high school start times, please vote for Steve, Cyrus Vagher, and Eileen Sandberg. These races are important.
When I think of the big school controversies that have damaged our city’s reputation in the past few years — a plagiarism incident, unreported hate incidents at a middle school and the transfer of that school’s principal to an administrative job instead of letting him go, mistakes surrounds open meeting laws, among others — I think our school committee could benefit from a watchdog who understands transparency and isn’t afraid to ask probing questions.
Throughout her career, veteran journalist Gail Spector has done just that. She’s documented superintendent hiring, contract talks, curriculum controversies, budget meetings, school building projects and much more.
I first met Gail after she lost her job as a Globe columnist after her editors gave into pressure from against anti-gay crusader Brian Camenker. I had the unique privilege to work with Gail at the TAB and watch how tough and how committed she is to social justice, fiscal responsibility and our community.
I typically do not endorse candidates. I am endorsing only one this year.
I am proud to endorse Gail Spector and urge you to elect her to our school committee on Nov. 7.
I agree with Greg and Steve. Gail Spector has my full confidence and vote. She will be an engaged member bringing a wealth of knowledge and history to this small group that guides our schools. I trust her good judgement to be fair and thoughtful and urge everyone to vote for her on November 7th..
Rick Lipof, Councilor at Large, Ward 8
More than half of the School Committee will be new next year. If ever there was an election where meaningful and relevant experience matters, this is it. I am enthusiastically voting for the following candidates for School Committee:
WARD 1: KATHY MARCHI — Kathy has focused most of her professional and volunteer experience right here in Newton building programs that support our underserved families and children, close the achievement gap and support the social emotional and mental health of all students. She did this as Director of The Newton Partnership, Director of the Childcare Scholarship Fund, Community Liaison of NPS’s Social Emotional Learning Department, and Advisor to the Newton Youth Commission. She has successfully managed nonprofit budgets and knows how to make trade-offs without compromising vital programs. Her priorities are Full Day Kindergarten, later high school start time, equitable and affordable afterschool programs for all students, and ensuring NPS’s budget continues to support social emotional learning when our federal grant ends next year. Kathy has established a well-respected reputation throughout Newton for being an effective collaborator who turns her values and ideals into actions that have a meaningful impact on students and families. Kathy is currently Director of Alumni Relations at MIT’s Sloan School of Management and serves on their Diversity and Community Matters Committee. She will dig deep to ask tough questions and will be an independent voice on the School Committee.
WARD 8: GAIL SPECTOR—Gail is smart, thoughtful, experienced, knowledgeable and accomplished both professionally and in the community. She understands policy and budgets, and knows the appropriate role for a School Committee Member. She has spent her career as a journalist asking difficult questions, and has the judgment and maturity to make complex decisions. Gail would be a truly independent voice on the School Committee—a quality we need and one that is important for success.
WARD 2: MARGARET ALBRIGHT – Margaret’s 4 years on the School Committee and the work she has accomplished for students and families speaks for itself. A longtime Newton resident, she has over 25 years of non-profit management experience, holds an MBA and runs her own consulting business working with small and midsize non-profits, including several that work in K-12 schools across the state. It has been my great pleasure to serve with her on the School Committee and I enthusiastically endorse her re-election. She is a tremendous resource for the School Committee in all things related to education policy and is generous in sharing that knowledge with all of us.
Brian Yates has my vote for the at-large Councilor for Ward 5. I have served with Brian for 20 years. Brian has a wealth of knowledge and understanding of zoning and planning and historic preservation. This institutional knowledge will be critical as we move forward with zoning reform in this City. He will make sure that all neighborhoods deserve the respect and protection they deserve. For more information, please go to his website at: Or watch this video:
Ward 1 Councillor At-Large – Nicole Castillo and Allison Leary
Ward 2 Councillor At-Large – Jake Auchincloss and Braden Houston
Ward 3 Councillor At-Large – James Cote and Julia Malakie
Ward 5 Councillor At-Large – Brian Yates and Andreae Downs
Ward 1 School Committee – Bridget Ray-Canada
Ward 2 School Committee – Cyrus Vaghar
Ward 3 School Committee – Anping Shen
Ward 8 School Committee – Matthew Miller