Today, the Newton TAB endorsed in all contested city council and school committee races. See the full TAB list and discuss in the comments below.
TAB’s City Council, School Committee endorsements
by Bryan Barash | Oct 31, 2017 | Newton | 61 comments
by Bryan Barash | Oct 31, 2017 | Newton | 61 comments
Today, the Newton TAB endorsed in all contested city council and school committee races. See the full TAB list and discuss in the comments below.
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Well done Andy Levin.
I don’t agree with all the choices but I congratulate all of the candidates.
This is what democracy looks like.
I have some questions about why he would endorse Franco Cedrone after he refused to debate Maria Greenberg the entire campaign. I’m glad Andy got to meet him, because none of the rest of us did.
And oh by the way, before someone jumps in to say that he’s running for a ward only seat, he still gets to make decisions about developments in my neighborhood and ordinances that effect all of us. So yeah, I would like to get a chance to know who he is.
I am so disappointed in the Tab. How can the Tab endorse Gail Spector when she worked for them. What criteria did they use? Any? At a minimum, they should have remained neutral. If this was a vote, they would be required to abstain. This is completely shocking and not objective.
I don’t agree with all the endorsements, but I love that we have an independent-minded editor in Andy Levin! PS To all those not endorsed, I’ll just note that the Tab endorsed my opponent in 2013.
PPS But listen to them when it comes to the Charter vote!
Endorsing Gail Spector, with all due respect, does look like a conflict of interest.
None of these endorsements are “Tab” endorsements. They’re Andy Levin’s choices, from start to finish. Who cares what Andy Levin thinks? I don’t even know the guy and I don’t read the Tab – it goes straight from my doorstep to my recycle bin. Why on earth would I care who he says I should vote for?
Oh well if Jane Franz doesn’t know Andy that absolutely disqualifies the guy! Maybe we should strip his residency too!
It matters because he has a big platform. My first post tried to talk about the veracity of the process. That said, I don’t even think that Gail‘s qualifications match up even closely to those of Matthew Miller.
Actually Jane, you are incorrect. These are decisions made by consultation among staff.
To suggest there is any conflict of interest in the TAB endorsing Gail Spector is ludicrous. If she wins, would we gain financially? Would we be owed any favorable treatment? What exactly do we stand to gain?
The Tab used to be a big platform. Today it’s a shell of its former self. It barely reports on Newton news, has less than a bare bones staff, and an editor who makes his own endorsements. It’s a ridiculous process that should have ended when the corporation that owns it kicked it to the side of the road.
It would be nice to see the criteria used when comparing candidates. On paper, it’s hard to see how Gail would compare to Mathew Miller. Are you willing to share your criteria with everyone? It’s not about what you might gain, it’s about being loyal and supporting one of your former employees. While that is commendable, it is not appropriate. The proper thing to have done would have been to indicate that you needed to remain neutral in that particular race because of the past relationship.
I would be interested in Greg‘s thoughts on this particular race. Should the Tab have stayed neutral on that race because of the perceived conflict?
@NewtonCares: Thanks for asking.
Gail left the TAB in 2012. Andy started in 2014. They never worked for or with each other. Gail never had any supervisory authority over Andy, had nothing to do with him getting his job and has no financial connection to his employer. I can’t imagine how his employer would gain financially or otherwise from her election.
I’m confident you will not find a media media ethicist (and they exist so someone feel free to ask one) who would think this is any kind of conflict.
Oh and in response to this:
The TAB is a privately owned business so no they are not “required to abstain.” Our media is protected by the First Amendment which prevents any government entity from “requiring” them and we should all be thankful for that.
And it would be unfair to Gail if she was disqualified from getting this endorsement simply because she once worked there. A big part of her pitch to voters is her journalism background and her deep experience covering Newton’s schools and politics. Andy Levin is exercising his professional judgement to say he agrees with that perspective.
Finally, think about the double standard. Should the Newton Teachers Association be told it couldn’t endorse a candidate who was a former Newton teacher? Should Amy Sangiolo be prevented from endorsing Scott Lennon because they worked together? Of course not.
Now back to the World Series!
C’mon, Greg. You know it’s true. At one point, Gatehouse became a penny stock. Then the paper went downhill from there. The Tab is nothing like what it was 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago.
Hey Jane, when are you planning to let everyone know that you donated $675 to the Miller campaign?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have hundreds of dollars to throw around at candidates I like.
The Ward 8 SC (as well as Ward 2, which does not get enough attention) race is a big deal, thousands have been sent on either side, but don’t come here and bash hardworking men and women for showing up to work 9-5 5 days a week, especially journalists. That’s not cool and disrespectful especially coming from a former teacher.
@Greg: While I appreciate your comments, it is not about whether or not they worked together or whether or not there would be financial gain. It is about the institution that she worked for, for so long, making a decision to endorse her. The smart, appropriate and professional thing to have done would’ve been to abstain. She is a former employee and several ethics professionals have privately commented that it is clearly a conflict.
This was the goofiest set of endorsements I’ve ever seen, from start to finish.
As for the SC Ward 8 race, rather than depend on a random endorsement that smacks of a conflict of interest, why not compare the two ward 8 school committee candidates for yourself. Here’s the link to the LWV’s debate featuring Matt Miller and Gail Spector. Copy and paste it into your URL and see for yourself the difference between the two candidates:
Are you speaking as Jane Franz citizen or Jane Franz member of the executive committee of the Newton Teachers Association?
You are an ELECTED member of the charter
commission,long term educator and activist, and I have been floored by some of the comments that you have made on Village 14 over the years, none more so than these comments about Andy Levin. I’ve spoken to Andy Levin, and not only do i like the guy and think
he is a smart individual and probably the best editor the TAB has had in years, i like his gravitas, and I also like the fact like that Andy didn’t parachute into Newton like so many others have from
NY, CA, or CONN because he read some article in the NY TIMES or Money Magazine advertising Newton as the “hot” place to be. He’s been in and around Newton for many, many years, as long as you have, probably longer. He has certainly been here way longer than any other of the past TAB editors who consider themselves experts in all things Newton. Unlike other folks we both know(possibly yourself?), Andy doesn’t live in one one of the wealthiest villages
in the city as an educator. You should know who he is. As an elected member of the Charter committee you should have contact with him so he knows who you are, and you should care what he thinks, because like you, as the editor of the TAB, he represents all Newtonians and our interests. I was flabbergasted when you called the TAB cartoonist Mark M mysogynist, but I held my tongue.
What an irresponsible, horrible thing
to say. If you think so little of the city to not read the paper to know what’s going on, please don’t volunteer in the future to represent anyone other than yourself!!!!!!!!!
Just because the organization is not “required“ to abstain, does not make it right. It is also quite interesting that Andy has gone silent and apparently refuses to provide the criteria that was used to compare the two candidates.
I have nothing but the most respect for Andy Levin. We disagree (especially on the Mayor’s race!) on a number of his endorsements, but I know that he has made these based on what he believes are for the best interest of the City.
Folks – talk up your candidates to voters. They all should be applauded for stepping up and putting themselves out there to run. We may have our own favorites because they champion our causes – but they all deserve our respect.
Happy to share with anyone who is interested, in my picks for the races (just email me at [email protected]).
Happy Halloween and please VOTE NO on Charter!!
Temporarily Anonymous (does this name mean you are a sock puppet) – I donate money and tons of time to candidates and causes I support, and have my whole life to the extent I’m able. I’m surprised that you find that to be a concern.
You may be the first person in my life to indicate that I’m not hard working. Don’t know where that one came from. By the way, I’m 69 years old and continue to teach part-time and have no intention of stopping as long as my knees hold up. Where did you get the idea I don’t work?
I absolutely support Matt Miller and think he has the knowledge and understanding of the NPS we need in 2017. He will be an outstanding School Committee member. I urge all Newton voters to vote for Matt on Nov. 7th.
Andy is doing a great job at the Tab given the resources he has. Thanks Andy.
For me, the most biggest crisis in our city is start times for high schools. Andy’s School Committee endorsements show no evidence of consideration of this issue whatsoever. This is a bummer, but he is free to prioritize as he sees fit.
Newton voters will make their candidate selections independently of the Newton TAB. Does anyone really vote for a candidate because a Newspaper editorial tells them to do so?
Hi Jane, Under your campaign contribution, you listed your occupation as retired.
This conflict of interest charge against the Tab endorsements totally stumps me. Sitting City Councillors regularly endorse their colleagues in every election and nobody has a problem with that, but somehow the Tab endorsing a candidate who once worked at the newspaper, years ago, is an outrage?
I’m not getting it.
The Tab simply didn’t cover the only Charter Commission in the city in 45 years. I thought it was odd. Maybe that’s why Andy’s opinion doesn’t hold much water with me. One reporter from the Tab attended the first Charter Commission meeting and that was it. I don’t know why the Tab didn’t cover the story. You’d have to ask Andy that.
Paul – I only speak here as Jane Frantz (with a t) the citizen. I would never presume to represent anyone else’s opinion other than my own.
Still wondering where this former teacher thing is coming from. I teach ELL students at Bigelow this year, a change from my NNHS assignment from the past 7 years.
BTW – I think Andy Levin has been a great editor in trying times (for newspapers). He’s completely engaged in the community and I love that he’s willing to take a clear position on all sorts of issues of the day – including endorsements. I don’t always agree with him. I sometimes strenuously disagree with him. That’s fine. That’s a sign of a strong editorial voice and I like it.
@Jane – If you’re going to throw out those Tabs without reading them, please donate them to my family. We’ve been hoping to get Tab delivery since I moved to Newton – still no joy there.
Getting the support of colleagues is one thing. Getting the endorsement from what should be an independent, objective newspaper is quite another. Doesn’t anyone find it odd that Andy refuses to site the criteria used? If the criteria is thoughtful, just be transparent. I’m guessing a side-by-side comparison of Gail and Matthew does not support the endorsement decision.
@NewtonCares: Andy Levin (or anyone else) is not required to be standing by at 11 pm to answer your questions. So no I don’t find it odd.
I second Amy Sangiolo’s clarion call. These are the closing days of all these campaigns. If you’re actively working on behalf of a candidate you love, then from here on out forget their opponent. Spend every waking minute between now and next Tuesday extolling the virtues of your candidate and convincing why we all should vote FOR them.
If you’re spending most of your time here and on Facebook and Twitter badmouthing the opposition that’s a sign to everyone that your candidate may not be all their cracked up to be.
Now’s the time to make the case FOR the candidate. Give it a try. ….
Make your case right here on Bruce Henderson’s inspired thread.
Fair point. However, I did ask for the criteria at 8:52 and Andy posted at 9:19. Just saying.
It appears that this is what Andy Levin was doing while you’ve been badgering him for not answering your questions
Kind of puts all these petty squabbles in perspective. Just saying.
We did cover the Charter Commission story Jane. We covered the issue, not the meetings. Ask your chairman how many conversations he had with former reporter Jonathan Dame. There were many. The issue has also been given extensive coverage in our opinion section, both sides, for many months.
As for Ward 8, @NewtonCares, the endorsement, as written, speaks for itself: We like Gail’s unique perspective and experience. We owe you, nor anybody else, “an explanation of our criteria.”
So there was no criteria. At least that’s cleared up.
Can we stop misusing conflict-of-interest. The term has a very specific meaning. A person has a conflict-of-interest when acting in an official capacity she acts on an issue in which she has a personal interest. If a councilor was to vote on the purchase of property for a school and he owned the parcel being purchased, that would be a conflict of interest. The TAB is not acting in an official capacity. And, the TAB has nothing to gain from Gail winning a seat on the School Committee.
What I think critics here mean to say is that the TAB has a bias in the Ward 8 School Committee race. In other words, the TAB (Andy) is biased towards a former employee. It’s a fair concern to raise. I think, though, that both Greg and Andy have made a good case that any charge of bias in favor of Gail is pretty attenuated. Moreover, any potential bias is right there in the open for all to see. The TAB hasn’t hidden the fact that it is the TAB. And Gail has been very forthcoming that she used to work there, in fact I’m pretty sure she cites it as a strength of her candidacy.
The expectation that potential bias ought to disqualify the TAB from endorsing is not reasonable. We all have biases. The only problem is when we hide them.
Carry on!
I can’t get too excited, interested, or angry about any of the TAB endorsements. I’m sure that newspaper endorsements are nice for the people who got endorsed, but I don’t think it’s meaningful in elections at all.
I find it hard to accept that the Tab “endorsed” Gail Spector. While the Tab doesn’t gain anything, that “inside” information of Gail’s personality and work ethic is inside information . . . . it is hard to understand how they had equal information about Gail and Matt. It seems like the paper endorsed the person they knew best. An abstention would have been better in my onion.
I wonder how many people completely ignore the races, and rather opt to read the TAB a week before the election to figure who to vote for. My guess it’s not that many.
Several people/groups have come out to endorse candidates and for me it has been interesting, sometimes puzzling, to see where their preferences lie. But at then end of the day, other people’s opinions – especially if they come with no explanation (I wish I could bold that part)- are just that, opinions.
Which leads me to a question to everybody here (I guess Greg you didn’t find that one worthy of exploration ;) – how do you arrive at your decision to vote for candidates? Especially since there are so many? Debates? Lawn signs? Talking to neighbors and friends? Endorsements? Reading about them? Talking to them personally? Combination of this or other avenues?
FWIW – @Temporarily Anonymous – I wish you could deal with your issues with Jane Frantz face to face, rather than come here anonymously. There’s an ick factor to personal attacks when they come from under a cloak.
With regard to Gail/Miller – I said it before – for those who are undecided, I urge you to watch the debate Jane referenced above.
And last but not least, a question for Andy. Who is the panel that discussed the endorsements? If it isn’t just your voice, I think readers have an interest to see who is trying to make a case for those candidates.
Ironic that three anonymous participants with curiously similar pseudonyms — Newtoner, NewtonCares and Newton Mom — are all blasting the TAB for some imagined “conflict.” What about those nameless commentators possible conflicts?
And NewtonMom, if the TAB has some “inside information” about Gail’s “personality and work ethic” and decided to endorse her anyway, doesn’t that make that endorsement all the more powerful? Are you suggesting that everyone who personally knows someone should be disqualified from endorsing? If so there are thousands of lawn signs out there that need to come down.
I happen to beleive working hard or being a person of integrity are good qualities for a school committee member and I’m willing to attach my name to my statements.
For any Newton voter not sure about the candidate to support for Ward 8 School Committee please watch the video debate on Village 14. I think it’s pretty clear.
I disagree most with Brenda Noel’s endorsement. I’ve had many conversations with her that ended up in me scratching my head wondering what exactly does she stand for, believe in, agree with….. ?? No idea. Like, at all.
Jane Frantz,
I too support Matthew Miller. I think he is one of the best SC candidates to have come along in years. I disagree with the endorsement of the Tab on that candidate.
I also think your harsh words are uncalled for. Andy and his staff are doing their jobs just like you are doing yours. And really why would knowing him make any difference. Most people don’t personally know editors of their papers anymore.
I truly believe Matt’s winning depends on helping more people to understand who he is and what a great SC member he would be, particularly because of Gail’s name recognition. I don’t think your negative attitude on V14 is helping him in any way.
That goes for the new anonymous posters on this blog. If you disagree with the Tab’s endorsement, sing Matt’s praises.
Andy Levin and I disagree on many, not all, issues but I admire his effort attempting to keep the Tab’s coverage as local as possible. It’s certainly not like it’s been in the past but that’s not Andy’s fault.
Like I have always done before, I will read, watch and listen to everything available to me in order to make as informed a vote as possible. The Tab’s endorsement is one of those things. I weigh information about and from the candidates themselves heavily but I’m always interested in learning more.
I don’t agree or disagree with the Tab’s endorsement. I think both candidates are great. I just don’t think a newspaper should endorse its former editor.
As for anonymity: Yes, not everyone wants their comments to be forever visible in every google search of their name. V14 could adopt a full name policy, but, and I’m sure Greg know that, it would then lose the critical mass that has made it the central forum for discussing anything Newton. Internet glory comes and goes quickly – You’re shooting yourself in the foot by calling out people for using pseudonyms.
And by the way, the most toxic comments on this thread are coming from a person presumably using their real name.
The Tab took the easy way out and endorsed a “friend” and I don’t know what kind of research they do for an endorsement. In all honestly, the endorsements don’t sway me, since I seek out information on my own. But I am hoping they researched Matt and his history and opinions before endorsing Gail outright.
@soccermommy err shall we say Sockpuppet Mommy. Nice try on the post but calling BS on the “I’ve had many conversations with her that ended up in me scratching my head wondering what exactly does she stand for, believe in, agree with….. ??”. Like her or dislike her.
Anyone who speaks with Brenda knows her position. Watch this.
Unlike her opponent, Blazar who admits to “I have no vision for our city Centers” and “I don’t understand Smart Growth” Ward 6 deserves better than Blazar.
Brenda has a clear vision. Oh and she believes the World is round in case you are wondering.
Alex Schwartz,
Brenda Noel has never articulated a “vision” to me. I’ve asked her on several occasions what her position is on the Charter Commission’s recommendations. I’ve asked her on several occasions what her position is on the teacher’s contract. I asked her on several occasions what her position is on the Austin Street development.
What I actually don’t care about is her “vision.” It’s not the councilor’s job to have a vision of what, say, Newton Centre, should look like. Blazer is appropriate in reviewing proposals that may come in based on merit, not what fits in his “vision.” Blazer would rather consider what the people in Newton Centre might see with their vision every day, not what some developer with deep pockets sees from his big house on the hill far, far away.
I do like Brenda. She’s a fun gal, but I like to know a candidate’s position, particularly in this case, on the Charter, before I would vote for them.
Errrr….call me whatever you’d like.
Oh @soccer mommy “dearest” Please come forward and tell us your name? Pleeeeeeeease? Pretty please so that Brenda Noel can recall the “several occasions”?
Again, calling it like “I’see’s’it”, plain ole’ Bull Fritters ya’ll.
So to follow up. 1) You did NOT review the video (s) where Brenda answers all your questions. 2) The Ward race is not about the Charter. The charter will be decided one way or the other on Tuesday. See thread on Allison Sharma and Jim Cote where they agree that it is for the people to decide. 3) One thing we agree on! You describe Blazar as a paper pusher , “Blazer is appropriate in reviewing proposals that may come in based on merit, not what fits in his “vision.” and not a leader. Well stated.
Ward 6 deserves someone who does more than review proposals. We want a dynamic, progressive leader [not a fossilized, out of touch paper pusher] who is proactive, and collaborative with the community and engages with the Ward and the City.
BTW – Brenda Noel will represent the Ward whether or not the charter passes.
Have a lovely day. xoxo
Alex Schwartz,
God no, I did not “review” the video. Several excruciating meet-the-candidate coffees and I’m already done and decided. I’m happy she finally decided what her views should be. I’m voting for Blazer, the paper pusher, who has his own opinions, popular or not.
I’m also voting for Gail, because the TAB said I should.
@Alex Schwartz “not a fossilized, out of touch paper pusher”
Your words do not reflect well on your candidate and are ageist
@soccer mommy
“Several excruciating meet-the-candidate coffees “.
Calling you out again here. No one is buying this. Care to again state your name? Please?
@claire. Not about age but rather his approach to the position. “Fossilized” as in Blazar does not want change.
Sorry Alex but there is only one way to interpret fossilized. Just take the feedback and stop saying it.
@Claire. sure thing. I will now eat that word. nomnomnnom nom… munch munch munch. And consider it erased from my memory. ziiiiiiioooop. Gone for ever.
From Sean Roche’s post “As I remember, Dick beat George Mansfield by portraying him as out-of-touch with the ward.” Assuming it is fair to use his words against him?
Seriously, thank you and I will surely refrain from using the “fossilized” term now that I can see that perhaps it refers to his age. My bad…
Alex I am confident that you will find a better term! :-)
Claire and Alex,
Might I suggest “dead-ender”?
I think advocate for the status quo. There is no overt judgment …or name calling and think it conveys the idea
A reminder from a moderator on the house rules: anonymity is acceptable and, under most circumstances, should not be questioned. Taunting is not acceptable.
I’d like to vote for both W1 SC candidates because from what I have seen and heard from both of them, they both have different skill sets that compliment one another. I just might do that and leave the W8 race blank! ;-) LOL
Adam, aw shucks. Anonymous posters claiming facts not in evidence like soccermommy deserve to have their credibility questioned. One way to do that is to ask them to prove what they say. There’s no way for Brenda Noel to stick up for herself without knowing who is making the claim.
So yes it’s not against the rules to post anonymously on most occasions but why should that protect them from commenters questioing the veracity of their statements and asking them to prove what they say.
I was an avid supporter of Brenda Noel, but now I’m undecided. I was really unhappy with her answer to the question about the Charter at the end of the debate. Not because she disagrees with me (though I seem to remember her being against it when she came to my door) but because of the reasons she gave – basically, it was decided by a democratically elected commission who reviewed best practices and she trusts the process.
I don’t want my Councilor making decisions based on “trusting the process”. I want them looking at the pros and cons for themselves and making the decision based on their analysis of the trade-offs. I’m very worried about someone accepting the results of a commission based on trust.
Marti, I didn’t suggest that it’s wrong to dispute such posts. What I’m against is pressuring participants to reveal their identity or making taunting or snippy remarks (even if the intent was to be somewhat playful). I think the rules back me up on that. Maintaining a civil tone around here is important to make this a welcoming place. I hope you agree.
I’m a big fan of Brenda Noel. She has made herself crystal clear on the issues. The videos prove it. I found SoccerMommy’s observations to be far different from mine, and you might say that her anonymity gives her post a lot less credibility, but it stands on its own merits.