Village 14 is inviting all candidates for mayor, city council or school committee to submit a single guest column between now and Aug 1.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogI’m Becky Walker Grossman, and I’m running for City Councilor-at-Large from Ward 7.  I’d be honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Council, and to work collaboratively with my colleagues to ensure that Newton remains the very best place to live, work, raise a family, educate children, and retire.

My husband, Ben, and I bought our home in Newton in 2010.  Over the past seven years we’ve made our life here, including raising our two children, Madeleine (6) and Jack (3).  Four generations of our family live in Newton today.

I’ve been passionately involved in the communities in which I’ve lived throughout my life, but becoming a mom amplified the importance of civic engagement for me. Today, I hope to bring that passion for service to Newton.  At a time of great uncertainty on the national stage, I believe it is perhaps more important than ever that we make sure our local community remains a place we’re all proud to call home. 

I am running for City Council because I want to play a leadership role in helping to address Newton’s challenges.  I believe that my combined background in public service, law and business will help me do this.  I’ve worked as an Assistant District Attorney for Middlesex County, where I’ve seen firsthand what happens to people who are left behind and forgotten by their communities.  I also served as the Director of Operations on the successful campaign of my father-in-law, Steve Grossman, for Treasurer of Massachusetts.  In that role, I’m particularly proud to have advocated for small business owners to have increased access to capital, especially among those groups that traditionally have the hardest time getting it – including women, immigrants, minorities, and veterans.

As your City Councilor, my top priorities will be:

  • Public Schools: As a parent of a Ward School first grader, I will fight to make sure our public schools continue to meet the highest standards, have small class sizes, and remain the very best in Massachusetts.
  • Responsible Growth: I will advocate for responsible development to ensure that Newton remains a diverse, inclusive, and accessible community for people of all ages, backgrounds, and economic means.
  • Smart Budgeting: I have a background in finance and earned my law and MBA degrees from Harvard. As City Councilor, I will dig into the numbers and work to achieve results in ways that benefit Newton taxpayers.
  • Public Safety: As a former Assistant District Attorney, I’m committed to keeping our community a safe and fair place to live. I will take on the opioid epidemic by ensuring those struggling have treatment and recovery options and their families have compassionate support resources.

I’m in this race because I believe we can do better in solving these problems and improving the quality of life of every person living in this wonderful city.

Thank you for your consideration.  I ask for your support and your vote on November 7.

For more information, please visit my website,