Let’s start by saying that I have no idea what this means except that it’s, well, very, very odd. So here goes.
The TAB’s Laura Lovett has a brief interview this week with Rich Saunders, who recently announced plans to run for mayor. Here’s an except:
Saunders is originally from Methuen and moved to Newton three years ago. He has had several careers including electrician, facilities manager, manufacturer process engineer and executive director of a nonprofit, according to his website.
He also wrote a serialized novel titled “SecretAgentMan.” He identifies himself as a method writer. He said he creates drama in real life then inserts himself into situations that are out of his comfort zone. He is hoping to use the royalties from his novels to help fund his campaign.
That excerpt, sparked my curiosity about the book, which lead me a Google search that revealed the video below in which Saunders goes to great length to say that while his work resembles novelist Dan Brown’s works (Angels and Demons, The Da-Vinci Code) he wrote his first.
SecretAgentMan from Mykl Walsh on Vimeo.
Like I said, this is odd and I have no idea what it means. But the guy’s running for mayor (and presumably will be on the debate stage this summer with Scott Lennon, Ruthanne Fuller, Amy Sangiolo and others) so now you know.
His residential address is kept secret unless you know the secret pass phrase, and it certainly isn’t ‘welcome to Newton’.
Should be fun & games at the debates – which mayoral candidate has the best sense of humor and can deliver deadpan?
remember to bring a hanky to wipe..
Better still …
” My “schtick” became that I impersonated Mr. Howard in numerous real-life situations. With a technique that I call “method-writing”, I would write a sub-plot for the novel, attempt to act it out, and then write about how the escapade turned out.
Over the years, I’ve successfully impersonated an independent political operative, a scientist, a computer hacker, an undercover police officer, an attorney, a philanthropist and an avenger – among others.”
So is he a real candidate or a “method writing” imposter candidate? The mayors campaign is turning into a hall of mirrors.
His campaign slogan is “the most interesting ‘politician’ in the world.” … and he could be right.
The plot thickens … here’s an < excerpt from his campaign web site –
Research shows that many citizens will vote for the candidate that they would most likely want to sit down and have a beer, drink or non-alcoholic beverage with. With this in mind, we announce a series of contests entitled “Have a Drink with Rich Saunders!”
On a future date and location to be determined, Rich Saunders will pick up the winners of each contest in a chauffeur driven limousine and proceed to spend an hour or two at a Newton restaurant. Winners will also be driven home at the conclusion of the event. Each contest will have five winners.”
Is it a crime if one does not use the legal real name when filing for nomination papers?
So, he’s a cross between Walter Mitty and the Dos Equis guy. I guess I picked the wrong day to quit politics.
@Ted: You can still pull papers!!
I’m game. I fit two of the groups allowed to enter. Do I get to enter twice?
This is crazy.
Does it make anyone miss the good ol’ days?? lolol
Amy, thank you, but it is not gonna happen. Even if someone else pulls nomination papers for me, I will flee to Canada. If elected, I will fight extradition.
That said, this is going to be a fun election to watch from the sidelines.
@Ted: How many doors and coffees are on the sidelines? Did you think we were going to let you get out of campaign duties just because you’re not running?
Perhaps Mr. Saunders is hooked up with another work of popular culture other than “The Da Vinci Code.. The Patrick McGoohan telefvision series “Danger Man” theme song has lyrics that echo the title of Mr. Saunders novel “Secret Agent Man.”
“There’s a man who lives a life of danger;
To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger.
With every move he makes, another chance he takes.
Odds are he won’t live to see tomorrow.”
Secret Agent Man, they’ve given you a number and taken”way your name.
Perhaps Mr. Saunders claims he inspired the series “The Prisoner” in which McGoohan plays a spy who resigns for unknown reasons and is kidnapped to a gilded prison called the Village where his captors try to learn the reasons for his resignation. He is Number Six, and his lead tormentors are known as Number Two. Is any of this similar to Mr. Saunders book Has Mr. Saunders ever visited the resort in Wales that served as the backdrop for the series? Does he plan to abolish all the names of the residents of Newton?
Disclaimer: Rich Saunders is my brother so I expect some of you may dismiss my opinion due to obvious bias however anyone that knows me will concede I never compromise my moral or ethical beliefs .
Rich Saunders would be a great asset to the Newton political landscape. He has been championing just causes with the perfect temperament to appeal to all voters concerned with the common good of the Newton community. It is refreshing to have a candidate who’s agenda is not influenced by any personal gains but rather a desire to improve and promote fairness in a cultural climate riddled with inequities . The evidence to support this can be found on Mr. Saunders website where he carefully lays out his vision and explains his objectives in a concise and transparent manner. His novel Secret Agent Man contains real life events that can be verified with a simple fact finding mission. His methods and approach may be unorthodox but I assure you , his intentions are altruistic and his campaign will be strong . Thank You Heather Rastello