Mayor Setti Warren plans to officially change the wording on campaign documents that the office he is seeking is governor, according to Frank Phillips in the Boston Globe. Warren is still saying that he hasn’t made up his mind, but this move allows him to raise money for the race.
oh the suspense.
But first we have to deal with undocumented Democrats pouring in from Cambridge.
Clearly, Warren has been focused on higher office for a very long time. Without Hillary Clinton in the White House his exit strategy was closed. Therefore, the next opportunity is running for Governor. Governor Baker has done a good job and has built consensus and governs in a non-partisan manner. Baker deserves re-election and Warren will probably end up in the dreaded private sector.
Peter, I think you hit the nail on the head.
Warren seems like a nice enough guy, and he’s been a decent mayor. But his go-along to get-long style lacks any serious leadership potential. As a Democrat, I desperately want a candidate who will attack Baker like a pit bull. The Governor may be relatively popular, but that popularity is built on a house of cards. He’s a jobs killer. He took the wrong position on cannabis reform. And he’s largely to blame for the state’s out-of-control heroin problem. The right candidate [Robert Reich?] could take Baker apart.
@Mike: I think you underestimate Setti Warren. Yes, he’s likeable but he can get pretty fired up.
Hmmm… I don’t think I underestimate Setti at all. No one is taking out Baker without aggressively attacking his record. It’s a very different kind of campaign than Setti has experienced running for mayor. And if he had the ability to actually go on the attack against Baker, we would have seen that already in his preliminary comments. Baker is a jobs killer. He has demonstrated a lack of respect for democracy and the electorate, by working to overturn ballot initiative 4. And thousands of people have died because he has no clue how to deal with a raging heroin epidemic. I haven’t even heard Setti mention those things… which tells me he’s as clueless as Baker.