Congratulations and thanks are  in order to Andy Levin and Jonathan Dame at the Newton TAB for their persistence in fighting for the public’s right to read the investigator’s report examining how Newton Public Schools handled to two anti-Semitic incidents at Day Middle School more than one year ago.

A new version of the report, redacts only names as is appropriate and paints a troubling picture of the way the school’s principal, the superintendent, school department and ultimately the school committee has responded. 

“What is clear from my interviews is that there was no investigation that day or subsequently by either [redacted],” [investigator Ray] Shurtleff wrote in regards to the October graffiti.

“In fact, the incident was apparently treated as just another graffiti event that didn’t require any further discussion or review,” Shurtleff continued. “Given the horrendous nature of the words, it is difficult for me to understand why there was no investigation.”

Read the newly released less-redacted report here.

And for reference, here’s what the original report looked like.

Finally, here’s a TAB editorial about the report’s release.