From Newton Patch
Newton will use its $400,000 to fund the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Street and Harvard Street, additional curb extensions to reduce crossing distance and improve visibility, new sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, accessible pedestrian signals, bicycle detection, signage and pavement markings
The fund is part of a state initiative to promote Complete Streets. A signal here is a good start. What Washington Street really needs is a road diet. Not only is this stretch of road generally well under capacity for a 4-lane road, the additional lanes add danger to both pedestrians and motorists. By eliminating lane changes, road diets can sometimes improve traffic flow as well as safety.
You linked to the wrong article.
@Newtoner: Fixed
Would one expect anything less than full max funding of $400K even thru the third round since the Secretary of Transportation will immediately benefit on her way home from the Hill.?
Geez Harry. Or it could be that it is the correct move to make. I nearly was roadkill at that intersection a few weeks ago. It could use an update. What the heck does the secretary of transport have to do with it, besides you posting a nonsense cynical post?