Just under four years after Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly approved medical marijuana clinics, Newton’s first dispensary (the 9th in the state, if I’m not mistaken) is finally about to open.
I had the privilege of being able to tour Garden Remedies’ pristine and super-secure facility on Monday (there was no product on the shelves). They clearly have created a caring place to help patients and their caregivers.
All that awaits now is a final inspection from the state which founder Dr. Karen Munkacy says she hopes will happen this week or next.
I’m glad medical patients will finally be able to get their prescriptions filled in Newton. Although it remains to be seen exactly when this is going to happen. While most of these patients are able to travel to other dispensaries, the realization that this city has been forcing patients with debilitating and terminal illnesses to travel for their medicine is shameful. The failure of even a single City Councilor to apologize for the moratorium and ridiculous regulatory obstacles that led to this debacle speaks very poorly of that body’s character. And shame on Mayor Warren for showing absolutely no leadership on this issue.
Thank goodness this is finally happening.