Late last week the City of Newton installed a long-needed new traffic controller mechanism at intersection of Nohanton and Wells Ave. And crews installed video cameras and GPS units at the Wells Ave. and the Winchester Street intersections.
This new technology will, for the first time, allow the timing at Wells to “talk” to the new traffic light at the corner of Winchester and Nohanton, and should address a portion of the traffic headaches that have engulfed the area. The city is also preparing to install new signs and traffic markings and lane changes from Nohanton towards Kendrick.
This new technology will — for the first time — allow the timing at both intersections to be coordinated and adjusted at different times of the day. The city is also preparing to install new signs and traffic markings and lane changes from Nohanton towards Kendrick.
And how’s that going so far?
Greg, what sort of lane changes?