I can’t find it online yet, but there’s a column in this week’s TAB (which I assume is running in all of the Wicked Local papers owned by GateHouse Media) that hints of big changes coming to the Newton TAB and the company’s hundreds of other publications.
Executive editor Lisa Strattan begins by reassuring us that GateHouse remains committed to story telling…
“through our award-winning prose and photography; through video and podcasts; with lists and blogs; and even on other platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook.”
And Strattan adds:
“…our journalists will still be in the community, providing news and information that matters to you and helps to simplify and better your life.”
But then she adds:
“We just plan to go about it in a different way.”
Strattan’s column is less clear as to exactly what those changes will be (although this memo originally posted by media blogger Dan Kennedy, provides some hints). But here’s the part in her column in today’s TAB that raises the biggest concern for me:
If you’re someone who contacts the newspaper on a regular basis, be sure to check out our staff listing on next week’s Perspectives page to be certain you’ve got the right person for the job; the editor you’re accustomed to calling may now be in a new role.
Does that mean Andy Levin will no longer be the Newton TAB’s editor? Or that perhaps that the TAB will no longer have an editor?
It’s not clear. But Strattan does write:
“Guaranteed, the changes in store for us will be more dramatic for us than for our audiences
Hopefully so.
But not having a dedicated editor at the Newton TAB would be pretty dramatic in a city that’s become used to our paper of record being led by a strong editorial voice since 1979.
UPDATE: Here’s Strattan’s column
I don’t envy those local newspapers. Their business model has been completely upended by social media, craigslist and the likes. I have no idea how they are still in business today, but I sure hope they’ll find a way to continue delivering the Tab to every household in Newton.
Whatever it is it sure doesn’t sound good from those hints.
I ran into a reporter for one of the GateHouse papers (not Newton or Needham) yesterday and she told me that this re-org does indeed end the decades-long standing tradition of having a single editor responsible for a community’s newspaper.
Reporters, she said, will be asked to write two stories each day. But they would no longer have a local editor who knows that specific community edit their work or even help make decisions about what they cover.
I also asked her what this might mean for local editorials or candidate endorsements. She wasn’t sure. But under this scenario it’s hard to imagine how that tradition continues.
I empathize with my former colleagues at GateHouse and realize that economics in the news business dictates the need for new approaches with limited resources.
But this represents a radical change from what we’ve become accustomed to in Newton. It is potentially a very significant loss.
Yeah, this is pretty concerning. Big changes are clearly coming and she’s being intentionally vague about it.
Not only was the column light on details, it also had a very light tone that didn’t particularly match the content. It’s reminiscent of the Globe’s editorials saying there’s “nothing to worry about” during their weeks long delivery debacle. And the guarantee that the changes will be more dramatic for GateHouse than for the audience? Just an attempt to begin deflecting criticism before it even starts. After all, the audience can’t be angry/bothered by the changes because it’s even worse for poor GateHouse! That reminds me of the old “this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you” line before a spanking!
Update: Strattan’s column is now online
I don’t want to keep any of the TAB/Wicked Local Newton readers guessing as to what is coming next week and going forward.
Being the editor of the Newton TAB these past couple years has been a great pleasure, a tremendous honor and the job of my life. I love this city and I loved, truly loved being editor of its paper of record. I have never felt that way about any job.
Beginning next week, though, I will no longer be the editor of the Newton TAB. Indeed, all of our roles at Wicked Local will be changing, as part of the “digital first” relaunch mentioned in Lisa Strattan’s article. None of our publications will have an “editor” per say, though in some cases the person who had served in that role will still have a direct connection to the paper. In my case, and others, the connection will be much less direct, with reporters – now “multimedia journalists” – picking up many of the responsibilities formerly handled by editors. And former editors – many of them “senior multimedia journalists” – producing more stories and other content. The print production is being handled by a separate group, a “print team” if you will.
I arrived at the TAB in a bit of an unusual situation, as part of the management team. Under the new system my role will be “deputy director of multimedia,” managing the Boston “team” that includes Newton, Brookline, Wellesley, Needham, the Parkway papers and Allston-Brighton.
I’m confident this new system will result in more content both online and in print, mainly because former editors will be able to write and get out in the community more.
The other good news (for me, anyway) is that my connection with the TAB will not be completely severed: I will be working closely with Jonathan Dame (your new “go to” for news) and will actively be involved in the editorial decision making process. And I live here, so you can still expect to see me around at community events.
Finally, I’ll still be contributing my column and editorials… NVA and Charter Commission, you’re not quite rid of me yet!
Life goes on in the Garden City….
Thanks for your comment and the update Andy. I am closing this thread and starting a new thread here.