Superintendent Fleishman sent an email to parents this afternoon, regarding the recent “acts of intolerance” that have occurred. He included text from an opinion piece that is in this week’s Newton Tab.  Here’s the text of his email:

Dear Newton Families,
As many of you are aware, hateful acts of intolerance have been committed in some of our schools over the past several months. These acts violate the very values we hold dear—accepting our differences, celebrating our diversity, and respecting each other. Our schools must be safe, supportive, and welcoming communities for all.

Below please find an opinion piece I authored for the Newton TAB, which was published yesterday. My purpose was to identify our challenges and share some ideas and action steps regarding where we go from here.

I look forward to working with the entire community as we prepare our students to be successful, kind, and compassionate citizens in today’s world.

David Fleishman
Superintendent of Schools

And here’s his column from the Tab