There’s a campaign e-mail making the rounds from alderman/council candidate Jake Auchincloss which includes a quote from me (along with a quotes, from Congressman Seth Moulton, Newton Economic Development Commission Chair Steve Feller and TAB Editor Andy Levin) which some have read as an indication that I’ve endorsed the Ward 2 candidate.
I have not. I have not endorsed any candidates this year.
Occasionally I make voting suggestions to friends or neighbors. But I haven’t endorsed in years and don’t plan on doing so this year.
The quote Auchincloss used was from this thread on Village 14.
Auchincloss did notify me in advance that he was planning to use the quote and asked if I had “any questions or concerns.” It was an accurate quote so I left it at that.
And just to be clear, I’m not happy or sad that he quoted me. I’m just clarifying because I’ve been asked.
To be clear, the TAB will announce its endorsements in the Oct. 28 issue.
The comments used by Congressman Moulton (which were taken out of context) were not meant as an endorsement of Jake Auchincloss, but were simply an analysis of his campaign style, distinguishing him from the NVA slate of challengers.
@Andy Levin: Why do you say that Congressman Moulton’s comments were taken out of context and were not meant as an endorsement? I confirmed them with Moulton’s PR person. Subject line was “Confirming Moulton endorsement of Jake Auchincloss” and question was “Can you confirm that Congressman Moulton said the following about Jake Auchincloss?”
If something got lost in the translation, I’d love to know how.
I’ve done a ton of “asking” for candidates and know how the process must proceed. You talk to a person who says nice things about a candidate then you ask for support. If significant support is offered, then you ask for an endorsement.
Implying endorsements from an expression of support just isn’t okay. I’m going through this process right now and always ask people who offer support explicitly if they will endorse me. Unless you take that last step, you just can’t say that someone has endorsed you.
@Charlie and Jane: Let me try again. I don’t have a problem with Auchincloss using my quote. I was not complaining about him using it, at least in the context that I saw it used. However today I received phone calls, emails and even a note on my front door, asking if I had endorsed him. So I decided to clarify it here and also explain that I am not endorsing any candidates.
I’ve also decided to revise the headline. The original headline was: “I did not endorse Jake Auchincloss”
@Greg-If he asked you and you had an issue, you should have said not to use it. Instead, you uncharacteristically said nothing. Sounds like you were setting a trap.
@Charlie — sounds to me not like Greg was setting a trap, but that he was allowing Jake to use the quote, not with an implied endorsement, but just for use. Nothing wrong with that on Greg’s part, or on Jake’s. Jake never refers to those quoters as endorsers, just lists the quotes. Seems like no harm no foul to me. Sorry to say but if you & Jane have a problem with that then it leads me to question whether either of you have the judgement necessary to be a productive member of the Charter Commission.
Gerry – I was merely laying out the typical process for obtaining an endorsement. While I understand that you’ve endorsed Jake, it seems perfectly reasonable to explain the process that most candidates use before listing a supporter as an endorser. On October 13, V14 announced that Seth Moulton had endorsed Jake. Either he did or he didn’t. It’s not a judgement call.
At least you’re now insulting people using your own name. Good personal growth. Sadly, you’re in no position to question the judgement of others.
@Andy; Did Moulton not endorse Jake then?
Greg – Just to clarify, I wasn’t referring to your quote.
Former Ald. Steve Linsky provided quotes but not endorsements to both myself and my opponent 2 years ago. It is not controversial to have a quote without an endorsement.
Well Alderman Norton, I think we all know that controversy is in the eyes of the beholder. However, again just to be clear, I did not provide Auchincloss with a quote, he quoted something I wrote on this blog.
My hasty reply yesterday left some confused: What I meant was that Auchincloss used my comments (from an earlier opinion piece analyzing the runoff results) out of context, making them almost appear as an informal endorsement. I think the same applies to Greg’s comments, which were from a brief back and forth we had on the TAB blog comparing Jake to other politicians (Baker and Setti Warren).
Emily – I agree. Perfectly fine.
Andy, we were “confused” because your comment was quite clear, was about Congressman Moulton’s comments and endorsements and not about yours. You misled the entire thread and were wrong to boot. So if you “meant” to talk about your comments, you are confused.
The email used comments. Greg said he approved the use of his. (From V14 not the Tab Blog)
They can’t be made “to almost appear as an informal endorsement” mainly because that sentence makes no sense.
I think there may be confusion among some voters between comments, support and endorsements. There are no informal endorsements. Comments can be used to imply support.
More useless banter among the Village Idiots.
Hi Janet: Perhaps you will find this helpful.
You are correct and I apologize for misleading. I was rushing and not focused.
I am going back to my room now.
@Andy. There isn’t one of us that hasn’t flipped the “send” button in haste.
Andy, have a good rest.
Bob, You have a send button you can flip. I want one. Pleeeaasse.
Andy – You sent a clarification. That’s all that was necessary.
A blog is a blog is a blog.
I flipped something, but it wasn’t the send button (just kidding).