Yes, it’s early yet but with (so far) five declared candidates for two at-large seats on Newton’s Board of Aldermen/City Council (and let’s face it a slow week for local news and a rainy weekend ahead) here’s our first of many blog polls leading up to this fall’s municipal election. All Newton voters will be eligible to cast votes for this contest and as during the actual runoff and election, you may vote for up to two candidates on this poll.
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I know for me, I have been very impressed by the three newcomers (Jess, Jake and Lynne). Even though I can see by early indications that Susan Albright and Marcia Johnson are trailing on the V14 poll, as incumbents, I suspect they probably have the largest voter base out of the five at the moment.
I haven’t met Jess yet. The other newcomers are impressive, indeed. This should be an interesting race. I can’t wait to hear them debate!
I think it’s always important to have new folks running for office. My biggest regret and frustration is that there are so many uncontested races. Out of 24 seats on the BofA and 8 on the School Committee, it looks like so far only two or three races are contested. Any way you slice it, that’s not good. Also the already noted focus of activity in Ward 2 but no activity elsewhere: go figure. If I were an ambitious newcomer to politics looking to break into the game, why would I jump into a crowded pool like Ward 2? Jake Auchincloss for example has already burned through 2 or 3 residential addresses in Ward 1 and 2, and could obviously make his homestead in any location in the city he wanted to, but chose the mosh pit in Ward 2 rather than something more pastoral up in maybe Ward 7 or Ward 8, or 4, where there’s less jostling and more elbow room. What do I know – not much, obviously.
@HL Dewey
LOL Very nice HL
HL, only Auchincloss knows if he chose his residence for political expediency but if so, maybe he chose the Ward 2 mosh pit because he viewed the incumbents as more vulnerable than incumbents in other wards? And he’s probably not thrilled that two more newbies entered the race along with him to water down the anti-incumbent vote.
@Terry- 4 women and 1 man on the ballot? That could be helpful to him. In the interview he claims to have knocked on over 2000 doors so far. I am having trouble picturing the two incumbents door knocking, but they probably don’t need to. While the general population might not know who they are, ballot name recognition is very high.
@Terry Malloy – boy do I have a bridge for you. I really need you to ‘splain to me what other motivation than political expediency could possibly account for Jake’s choice of domicile. Although I would concede that it may be a strategic miscalculation, but given timing, facts on the ground, and his perigrinations over a period of just a few months, it’s hard to figure what else could be going on. In order to run for office in Newton, there are requirements for being a registered voter and where you have resided as of a specified date. Take a look at the fine print on the nomination papers you are rquired to submit, available in the City Clerk’s office. There have been instances in the recent past where folks have asserted residency in a given ward, and questions were raised as to when they may have actually taken up residence there and whether or not they actually resided at the claimed address. In general, the Commonwealth and the Federal government give citizens wishing to vote or run for office a pretty wide latitude in asserting residency, preferring to err on the side of allowing the democratic process to work itself out without interference from either the Executive or the Courts. So what will usually happen is someone would have to challenge it rather than any government authority doing much about it.
Next, examine the public record of voter registration data. This data is also aggregated and re-packaged by the major political parties, both Republicans and Democrats, and provided to candidates at the federal, state and yes even local level. The Mass Republican Party has a database and application software package promoted on their web site under the MassVictory brand. Democrats have an offering typically referred to as Votebuilder. If you want a ‘neutral’ product from a non-affiliated vendor, check out Nationbuilder. All of these will give you extensive information about voters in any geography you care to select, including demographics, voter history, and much more.
Using these tools, you can examine the voter registration, residential address, and other information about any registered voter you care to look at. All modern political campaigns do this as a matter of routine. Many folks attribute Obama’s victories to the superior functionality and more thorough implementation of these technologies by the Democrats in the last two presidention elections. Many folks attribute Romney’s losses to the poor quality of the systems used by the Republicans and Romney’s failure to make proper effective use of them.
Fast forward to the recent gubernatorial race in MA. The MA Republican party under the leadership of Mr. Baker made massive investments in bringing their systems up to the level of the Dems’ Votebuilder, and in deploying the technology under the MassVictory branding, promoting it and making it available to state and local candidates throughout the Commonwealth. How effective it all was, judge for yourself. What’s the connection through this convoluted narrative?
Hell, you’re asking me? The solution, as the saying goes, is left to the reader. Maybe some erstwhile journalist (if there are any of such left in the realm) might pursue that question. But suffice it to say, someone with Mr. Auchincloss’ background and resources would be able to use such tools to assess the political landscape in Newton and decide where he might want to locate his candidacy. Pick a ward and precinct, register yourself to vote there, and file your papers. Please be assured, this is done all the time, and is not something in any way unique to this candidate (and is a totally non-partisan behavior pattern). But it does tell one something about the candidate. If you were an avid Democrat, for example, Scott Brown might immediately come to mind. Somebody remind me of a Democrat – I just don’t recall one off the top of my head.
BTW, it is always also useful to take a close look at the financial reports of any candidate at – I have to say I am really proud of what the Commonwealth has done with regard to making political finances open and transparent. Lynne Leblanc, for example, who touts transparency and accountability on her website, has yet to file any detail on receipts or expenditures whatsoever. Must be a bug in the OCPF software, no doubt.
Thanks for the link to the OCPF, HL I think it’s more interesting that Jake Auchincloss’s account has received 2 letters about not including the purpose for expenditures. The two that are not explained and the two new ones in June are to the same place/person, unidentified, and total almost $4000.00. I’m drawing no conclusions and making no assumptions at all about this, just find it interesting.
Are their any qualifications other than being a registered voter to run for BOA or SC!
Is the poll right about each new candidate receiving exactly 36 votes apiece?
Charlie, I am really surprised at your belief that being a man amongst 4 women candidates is an advantage.
Shocking, really, that someone who grew up on the north side and went to Newton North would choose to live in Newtonville. For someone who claims to want more contested races, you have a funny way of showing it. P.S. In an at-large race, vulnerable incumbent is a waaay more important factor than ward demographics in getting elected.
@Tricia – So if Jake grew up on the North side and attended North, what makes Newtonville (actually Ward 2 specifically) such an ‘obvious’ choice, any more than any other ward on the North side? Actually I believe he grew up on West Newton hill, Ward 3. If you look at his committee organizing documents (see the OCPF web site) you will see something like three different addresses used at various time for his residence, the committee mailing address, etc. One of them is actually Ward 1 on Centre St. All of that over a period of perhaps 4 or 5 months, from Dec 2014 thru April or May. I believe nomination papers require a candidate to affirm that as of a certain date, I believe May 1 or thereabouts, they have lived continuously at the residence they are listing on the papers, which must be within the Ward they are filing for, so all the moving around has to stop by that point.
How exactly is examining closely a candidates public information regarding residence and financial information not compatible with my liking to see contested races? I don’t think the two have anything to do with each other. If someone is putting themselves forward as a candidate, an informed electorate is in everyone’s best interests and it behooves voters to look at them closely.
You did not seem too worried about the fact that Lynne LeBlanc had failed to file any detailed information whatsoever, none, no deposit or expenditure reports as required by OCPF regulations, despite showing about $2900.00 in receipts. Funny, when I looked at her OCPF information this morning, there was still no information available. When I checked it a half an hour ago, miraculously, detail had appeared. So perhaps raising the question motivated her to get her reports done. If so, that would be a good thing and ample justification for raising the issue.
Knocking on thousands of the right doors is the key… more than gender.
@Tricia – you raised an interesting point which I forgot to ask about, and I really am curious as to your comment, not just being a smart aleck as usual: vulnerable incumbent is more important in an at-large race. That would imply you feel that the Ward 2 incumbents are vulnerable, and I’ m not sure why you would see them as being any more vulnerable than some in other wards? Do you think Austin St and the NVA crowd are that big a factor? I don’t think the rest of the city is really that into the issue despite all the sturm und drang in Newtonville, and these are at-large seats as you rightly point out. I’m just curious as to why you see it that way.
Seriously? Go away from the blog for a few days and debating why Jake Auchincloss lives in Ward 2 is a thing? Any one consider asking him?
Sounds like time to order more tinfoil hats for the Village 14 commissary.
Greg – it only seems to be a “thing” for Mr. Dewey. You know, the guy who wants more New people to jump in – as long as they’re not in Ward 2.
@Greg @Tricia – You’re really avoiding the substantive questions here. Still no comment on Lynne LeBlanc not bothering to provide required financial information. If someone is running for political office, positions themself as a champion of transparency and accountability, and before even being actually on the ballot cannot even comply with financial reporting regulations, doesn’t that tell you something? It’s all about asking questions and looking for answers. What plausible explanation can you give for a candidate failing to file required financial reports? You didn’t bother to listen to the material provided to all candidates by OCPF? You picked someone for your Treasurer who either didn’t bother or couldn’t figure out what they were supposed to do? I can’t tell you how b****** all those answers are. Either you take it seriously enough to make sure you’ve complied with the regs, or you haven’t in which case why should I take you seriously when you ask for my vote? No, sorry, this person does not deserve any further serious consideration. Yes, I welcome contested races, but a candidate has to meet a very basic minimum of credibility, and filing financial reports is a tiny baby step on the path. Get real.
Jake living in Ward 2 was not the question. I really don’t care where he lives, it’s a free country and he clearly has the bucks to live wherever he wants. The issue is, pick somewhere, really live there (sleep there, register your car there, pay some taxes there, barbecue with the neighbors there, whatever). Make a decision, then go for it. The problem with Jake (and again, I refer you to the public documents on OCPF.US – did either of you bother to look at them? Eh, Greg, aren’t you the expert senior journalist guy?) is that he doesn’t seem to be able to make up his mind where in Newton he wants to actually make a home. Remember, Newton is all about community, neighborhood, your local school, blah blah blah. So is this guy serious about Newton and the community, or is he about something else. I don’t know, but I’m damn well entitled to ask if he wants me to consider voting for him for Alderman representing me. So get off my case, you’ve got the wrong guy. Ask the candidates these questions, don’t hassle me for bringing it up. As the saying goes, if you don’t like being in the spotlight, don’t audition for the lead.
@Tricia, I’m still waiting to here your rationale for judging the incumbents as ‘vulnerable.’
What I said was that in an at-large race, incumbent vulnerability was more important than ward demographics in deciding to run. As to whether the ward 2 at-large incumbent(s) are vulnerable, I have no opinion, but based on the number of challengers, it would appear that some think so.
@Tricia – hey, thanks for responding, I was just wondering if you had specific thoughts. I was also getting kind of lonely in here, nobody like, maybe, Jake, or Lynne, or any of the other usual posters seem interested in trying to respond to these questions, just wondering. I have come to the conclusion that I have a secret power, the Thread Killer. There was an old joke about a guy who made his living selling his promise not to come to an event or parade, because if he came, it would always rain for the entire day of the scheduled event. So people would call him up and pay him not to come to the event.
So let’s try an experiment. (Buzzer Sounds) OK, class the final exam is over, hope you enjoyed taking this course, Political Science Forensics 101. Greg, Tricia, time to turn in your exam booklets. Did you finish all the questions about analyzing candidates’ financial and information filings? Great. Did you find the Easter Egg in Jake Auchincloss’ financial reports that would let you answer the Extra Credit question? Let’s go over it.
Lynne LeBlanc, total receipts to date, $2900.00; $200 each from Doug & Pamela Haslam, and Robert Kraus, $2500 of her own money.
Jacob Auchincloss, total receipts to date, something like $11,683.00, quite a few checks for $500 or $1000 a pop. Impressive fundraising in a short time for a newcomer running for Alderman in Newton.
Here’s the Easter Egg – Greg, I’m happy to lend you my Tinfoil Hat if you can come up with any kind of rational, plausible explanation for the following:
Click on the Data tab in Jake’s OCPF reports. Following line item appears:
6/1/2015 Contributor Lynne Leblanc 443 Brookdale Rd Newton Ma Occupation Professor BU Amount $400.00
So, help me out Greg, tinfoil hat or not, what earthly explanation could there be for Lynne Leblanc to make a $400.00 contribution to Jake’s campaign? Does she think he’s a political saviour god, in serious financial trouble, and needs her help, when she has raised a total of $400 in non-personal funds compared to his $11K with something like $9k in the bank? I’m going to need another layer of tinfoil to figure this one out. And as I have said before, I have no clue what it means, but I would sure love to have someone explain it to me, cause I just don’t get it.
Feel free to jump in here anytime, Ms. LeBlanc or Mr. Auchincloss. The silence is deafening.
So while we’re waiting for Ms Leblanc and Mr Auchincloss to get around to responding to these questions, I just thought I would provide a little completeness by noting (hope this helps with your concerns @Tricia) that I really like seeing a candidate like Jess Burton. Local person, still lives in the local area, very easy to see what she is about and what she has been doing, ready to put her own funds into the race, all her reports are tip top and in order, a great person to see entering local politics. Anybody who can do Triathalon (did I even spell it correctly?) is way beyond what I can comprehend, so more power to her.
@HL: I’m not sure if you’re running on espresso or Johnnie Walker Red, but geez you write faster than I can read so pardon me if I’m missing your every point, question and nuance. But here’s a few thoughts:
Leblanc giving money to Auchincloss is interesting. Thanks for pointing that out.
Leblanc not having completed her finance reports correctly? Eh. A rookie mistake. Good that it was corrected quickly, good for you for pointing that out too. But it’s not something I’m going to hold against a first time candidate in June.
Auchincloss living in Ward 2? Good for him. You seem to suggest it was some premeditated move based on some complicated voter data analysis? Even better for him. I appreciate data driven people. Sometimes I even vote for them.
HL, maybe Jerry Reilly should have paid you not to come to the Tour de Newton and Feast of the Falls. ;-)
I do thank you for the OCPF link, although it’s probably easier to look at on a laptop than my iPhone. Anyone know why it’s called but it’s only Massachusetts candidates? Where are the other 49 states?
And what’s the tinfoil hat business?
Julia, “tinfoil hats” is a mocking reference to conspiracy theorists, based on a stereotype of paranoid schizophrenics, who supposedly believe this form of haberdashery shields them from the electromagnetic fields, radio transmissions, mind control, mind reading, brainwashing and Jedi mind tricks by the CIA (or the guvmint, the Illuminati, the New World Order, etc.). Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know the NSA has found ways around the tinfoil hats by monitoring our cell phones and emails and spreading disinformation to do pretty much the same things. I guess just because you’re paranoid does not mean they’re not out to get you.
It looks like silly season in Newton politics has begun.
During the month of January 2015 I was stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia for Basic Airborne Course, which is low-altitude combat parachute training required for my billet as an officer with a reserve Marine Corps special operations unit.
I did not want to pay a full month’s worth of rent in Newton while I was away, so I planned my leasing change for that month. Hence the additional address. Newtonville is a vibrant village and I love living here.
@Julia, OCPF – Office of Campaign & Political Finance.
@All, OCPF online filing is a new requirement this year for Newton Aldermanic candidates. In past elections you would find scanned filings on the City site at:
I would not read too much into some of the filing status with a new process. The Mid-year filing for end of June reporting is Jul 20th so that would be a good time to compare reports. It has also been common for various candidates to support each others campaigns. (I been lurking in the scanned reports from past campaigns :-) )
Oops – Correction. The Aldermanic Committees are on a different schedule under Depository Candidate. I quoted the Non-Depository Candidate.
Ive been watching this poll all weekend and I find it very interesting that all of the sudden on Monday morning after trailing all weekend Mr. Auchincloss has managed to claw his way to the top while the other two challengers are still far behind him. Does it not seem a bit odd that such a large jump should take place so suddenly?
@HL: Big thanks for the OCPF reference. Very interesting! I’m going to read Lynne’s report as soon as I write this. I already checked out Jake’s receipts record and also looked at the contributions to the 2 incumbents in Ward 2. Albright and Johnson contributers read like a Democratic Party membership list! (Including Shawn Fitzgibbons and Ald. THM among the givers). Lots of very recognizable names. But, what else can you expect? One hand washes the other in Newton!
Holy Cow: I’ve been spending my time as Waban Area Council President for the last year and a half. Do I have to report my campaign receipts? I’m going to call David right now…If I am convicted of wrong-doing, please bake me a cake with a file in it! Oh, wait…I don’t have any campaign receipts! Silly me!
Sallee says:
Or maybe it is just possible that Shawn and I and the others think that Ald. Albright and Ald. Johnson are the best candidates in the race.
In my book, anyone who’s supported Austin Street development is out of there. Still evaluating the alternatives.
@Greg R – a couple of small points. Re Lynne Leblanc, no it is not a matter of “Leblanc not having completed her finance reports correctly? Eh. A rookie mistake.”
No, she had not filed any of the required reports at all, nada, nothing. Sure, ok, rookie mistake. That’s a great qualification for someone running for public office, particularly one who emphasized in her announcement press release:
“Another impetus for LeBlanc’s entry into the race is a commitment to
transparency and accountability. “
Those are her words, not mine. Does complying with basic financial reporting requirements for political candidates not relate to transparency and acocuntability? Help me out here, Greg, what are you saying? So she could figure out what forms had to be filed to register with OCPF, she could file her designation of Depository Bank, and she would have received from OCPF the letter and related materials assigning her an OCPF ID and password so she could file the required reports, but she (or her Treasurer) couldn’t figure out that she had to file reports? Rookie mistake? Fine, if you want to hire a clueless rookie into your business to handle some responsible position like, maybe, Alderman, go right ahead.
Housekeeping note: A frequent participant on this site appears to be using an invalid email address, a violation of our commenting rules. As soon as that person corrects this, they will once again be able to post comments. Thanks.
Let’s give the new Ward 2 at-large candidates a break. Clearly the proposed development of Austin St. has brought out civic-minded individuals who want to challenge the status quo. I, for one, will consider their candidacies seriously. Why?
Although I have lived in Newtonville for more than 20 years, neither Susan Albright nor Marcia Johnson has ever asked for my vote. To the best of my knowledge, neither lady has a newletter or office hours, or sends out literature or information, or walks door-to-door. I don’t know what they have accomplished since taking office (2004 for Albright and 1999 for Johnson), save surplusing the village’s only parking lot. At least the contenders talk to the public.
One salient reason behind the upsurge in Ward 2 at-large contenders may be this: Many residents at a Beautiful Newtonville meeting at the New Arts Center remember Susan Albright arrogant response to a resident who objected to the construction of a five-story building on the parking lot. “If you don’t like it,” she said, “run against me.” The rest, as the saying goes, is history.
@garmon – good point, if a candidate or incumbent said that, I think that would be what we call a ‘career limiting’ move. Do you recall when this Beautiful Newtonville meeting at the New Arts center took place? Cause I think the new candidates have all been out there a while, which would make the incident (if recent) less relevant for actually causing candidates to jump into the race. Austin St in general has certainly been a lightening rod in any case.
Sorry, my bad typing – should be lightning rod – I think a ‘lightening rod’ is some sort of anti-gravity device used in online gaming. Someting like a ‘spellcaster’ that makes realtime corrections to misspelled incantations. Ackk, did I just do it again?
NewTV has posted the new Newton Newsmakers progam to their website. Link is below. It is expected to start airing on NewTV as well sometime TBD.
I was impressed with Jake, Jess, and Lynne for a variety of reasons. It’s fantastic to see this much participation in the process.
How would each of the 3 newcomers vote on Austin Street if they were in office right now?
This and other questions are answered during the 29 minute program.
Dewey, I believe the meeting took place in late fall 2013, but I’m not sure. I know at least one constituent who decided to run as a result of her offensive comment but then had a change of heart due to family obligations. Furthermore, word spread like wildfire among the attendees and who knows who else outside the room. Just imagine some other ways Albright could have handled an objection; e.g., “I’m doing my best to make sure Newtonville has a bright future. Give me a call and let’s discuss your issues with the project.” Her hostility bred hostility in the crowd and fed the general sentiment that “the City,” this one-party enclave, has contempt for its residents’ opinions.
I don’t know if her comment caused Lynne, Jake, and Jessica to get into the race. I only know that everyone in my neighborhood knew about Albright’s remark. Discontent is in the air.
Re Susan Albrights community meeting and her prophetic comment. The community meeting that took place at the Newtoville Arts Center happened 16 – 18 months ago. ( it was during the winter of 2014 ). It was in reference to the Austin Street project. There were up to 200 folks in attendance and there was a great deal of angst expressed on the part of many in attendance about what was being foisted on the community. Alderman Albright did indeed utter those words ( “…if you don’t like my position don’t vote for me “). It was a shocker to hear at the time, it hasn’t been forgotten by those in attendance and it my yet turn out to be telling.
I think I was at the meeting. I don’t think her response was arrogant at all. There was a lot of angry and rude folks at that meeting, and I think in general the aldercritters have responded well, both the ones that I agree with and the ones I don’t. But isn’t voting against somone exactly what you do when you don’t agree with his/her policies? Did you think it worked another way? ;-)
So basically Albright points out the obvious “if you don’t like it, don’t vote for me.” Another way to look at it is that Albright has the guts to make unpopular decisions despite a very vocal group of folks right in front of her.
Thus far, the new folks don’t impress. And the anti-development side of things is well-represented by Emily, who I probably will vote for again.
And lots of folks like Albright. Most of my neighbors support her. A couple of blog posts do not a movement make. In other words, we’ll see.
Blueprintbill, I would expect a politician to be, well, more politic, more inviting, more interested in the opinions of constituents.
Tell me, since you seem to know her better, does Albright send out a newsletter? Have office hours? Send emails?
What are her main accomplishments since taking office in 2004? I’m not being sarcastic. I would feel more comfortable evaluating her performance if I had information other than her stand on Austin St. Voters must evaluate the incumbents (the knowns) against the newcomers (the unknowns). Thanks.
Does she campaign? As I said, I have never been asked for my vote.
Oops. I meant to address fignewtonville in my last comment, not Blueprintbill. (Must be the painkillers I took after yesterday’s dental work.) So the questions still stand.
What has Albright accomplished for Newton in general and Newtonville in particular, a village that badly needs some TLC? How does she communicate with constituents? Does she campaign in Newtonville? (I have never met her.) How do her accomplishments stack up against the promise of the contenders?
OK, so nobody knows what Susan Albright has accomplished for her own village or for the city as a whole, except that we know she very pro development, as evidenced by her dismissive comments at the New Art Center meeting and Lynne LeBlanc’s recollection (on Charlie Shapiro’s show) of her hosting a Land Reuse Committee meeting. Her attitude seems to be “get lost” to those who don’t agree.
We also know she doesn’t make an effort to communicate with her Newtonville constituents — no newsletter or office hours. So for whom does she work?
Now that there’s reasonable competition for the at-large seats, I’m certain I’ll be voting for Jake and Lynne, rather than Susan and Marcia. I suppose most of the votes for those ladies will come from outside of Newtonville.
You could go to the Newton website and look at how she voted on issues you are interested in, instead of just asking for someone to answer your questions. Actually I think you just want to campaign for the newcomers and talk about Austin Street.