Fossil energy money won big on election day, from defeating the bottle bill to a new Keystone XL – cheerleading congress and a Senate Chair on Energy who says global warming is a hoax. Millennials, who see more clearly where we’re headed than many of their elders, voted at a dismal rate. I believe this may have been more out of a sense of hopelessness than apathy. I share that sense of powerlessness some times.
That’s why direct energy democracy is so, literally, empowering. Solar panels physically decentralize and democratize our energy system and constitute an irrevocable physical vote for clean energy and a stable climate. And while investor-owned utilities and their fossil industry allies are fighting tooth and nail to slow the spread of wind and solar in states all across the country, the business, resilience, and environmental case for solar and wind are too powerful to stop.
Newton has just launched its third and most homegrown solar initiative, the Newton Solar Challenge, which you can learn more about today at 4pm at the Auburndale Library, or this coming Wednesday evening at the same place.
Newton homeowner and Barnraise Energy principal John Tourtellote is one of the partners in this effort, and discusses this program over at the I Love Newton blog.
Excellent post.
Just got back from a bike ride to Trader Joe’s in Needham and saw quite a few signs in front of houses that are converting to solar as part of the Needham Solar Challenge as well.
Hopefully the 37% and 29% increases by National Grid and Nstar, respectively, combined with the 30% solar tax credit, will be a good incentive for homeowners.
Thank you, Michael. There was a great turnout this evening – a full house and lively discussion with many questions from the audience. If you couldn’t make it tonight, another session will be Wednesday at 7pm, also at the Auburndale Community Library.
Nathan – I have a friend who took the solar plunge recently and is very happy with the results. She was very pleased with the attention to detail the group took in assessing the appropriate use of solar panels on her house. This type of neighbor to neighbor communication also spreads the good news. We can’t make the Wednesday meeting, but we’re interested. Thanks for this public service.
An excellent matched set would be to make your next vehicle purchase an electric vehicle (EV). EVs emit no tailpipe emissions and over 60% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional vehicles. (If your vehicle is charged by solar power, even better)
Right now the federal government offers a $7500 tax credit and the State of Mass offers a $2500 rebate toward the purchase of a new EV:
My sister Joanne recently purchased a Smart Electric Vehicle. Actually, we are now joint owners of two cars, the Smart Electric and a Mercedes E Class which doesn’t get good mileage in city driving, but does quite well on the highway. We use the electric for local and short regional trips and the Mercedes for longer distance travel. The Smart Car gets about 90 miles between charges and these can be done with a simple plug and charge cord in the garage.
Is there someplace online I can get this information? I can’t make it to either informational session, unfortunately….
Hello Lis,
Thank you for asking. For more information on the Newton Solar Challenge, please see &
We will keep our events page updated so that you can attend a Solar Workshop or Solar Open House when it works for your schedule! All the best,
Newton Solar Challenge Team
Thank you for your supportive comment! In addition to the upcoming Solar Workshop at the Auburndale Community Library on Wednesday, Nov. 19 @ 7 PM, we will also hold a Solar Open House at a Newton Homeowner’s house on Saturday, Nov 22 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. You can check out a working solar installation and hear about the homeowner’s experience, savings and level of satisfaction with the system. To RSVP, go to the events tab of our web site: Stay tuned for ongoing programs and news! Thank you,
Newton Solar Challenge Team