We all have our favorite local stores and restaurants – that favorite place to grab a cup of coffee, the place with the unusual kids toys, or the place with the artisan jewelry. We also know the business that make a difference by donating to our kids’ schools or funding the community events that make our City great.
Well, now’s our chance to recognize these excellent institutions. The city will be awarding its first ever Business Excellence Awards this fall, and the Economic Development Commission is soliciting nominations right now. There will be awards for a leading business in each village, for destination businesses outside of the village centers, and for the individuals who make a difference in the City’s business community.
Please take a look at the website for more details on how to nominate a business or someone who has made a difference.
Why is this a downloadable PDF that must be printed and filled in? Why not an online form? Even a Google Docs form would make more sense.
I’ve just found that any time you put in an additional barrier your reduce participation. And asking for additional actions (downloading, writing, scanning/ mailing, emailing it back) you make it so only those with the most to gain actually enter.
Hi Chuck,
Honestly, I agree. But the folks who put the form together didn’t have the technology. Ideally I’d like to have this be fully web-based in future years. Still, the concept is out, we’ve got a good first step, and we’ll get it even better each time we do it!
In the meantime, please nominate folks. Chuck, I’ll even buy you a cup of coffee if you’re willing to take the time with the PDF!