There’s an interesting issue that is getting attention on public radio and media circles, involving GateHouse Media (owner of the TAB) and other newspaper companies. Here’s the original report from “This American Life,” a followup from NPR and a local analysis  from media critic Dan Kennedy (who notes that the company has not used Journatic in New England).

From the NPR story…

GateHouse media, which owns more than 350 smaller daily and weekly papers, subscribes to Journatic but is replacing it with its own center for processing such material. Ten new employees, based in Rockford, Ill., will serve 30 of its papers, beginning next month. David Arkin, GateHouse’s vice president for content and audience, says the company hopes to free up its reporters from more mundane tasks gathering data to do more challenging local reporting.

“It’s a major time suck to do that kind of content,” Arkin says of the hyperlocal listings. “As we look at what our content goals are in our organization, we need and want more enterprise storytelling. We want more ‘what it means’-type stories and packages.