I’m guessing that most of the Village 14 regulars are paying close attention to the presidential primaries. I’m also guessing that most of us have strong opinions and preferences. Personally, I’d love to discuss the campaign for president with some of you.
I propose we open our conversation for awhile to national politics (Disclosure: I already have a thread in mind.) What do you think?
Sure, it will be a wonderful opportunity for the Village 14 braintrust to demonstrate their lucid grasp of a whole new set of issues. I am sure regulars here are just as informed about the myriad of issues facing our nation as they are about development, housing policy, snow removal, leaf blowers, the courage of plastic bags, and how administrators in the Newton school systems should respond to acts of anti-anti-Semetic vandalism. It will be great reading.
Sure, it will be a wonderful opportunity for the Village 14 braintrust to demonstrate their lucid grasp of a whole new set of issues. I am sure regulars here are just as informed about the myriad of issues facing our nation as they are about development, housing policy, snow removal, leaf blowers, the courage of plastic bags, and how administrators in the Newton school systems should respond to acts of anti-anti-Semetic vandalism. It will be great reading.
Maybe I’ve lost some of my cynicism, but I think we can have intelligent conversations. Especially if some of the aldermen or school committee members join the discussions.
Maybe I’ve lost some of my cynicism, but I think we can have intelligent conversations. Especially if some of the aldermen or school committee members join the discussions.
Have at it … so long as there’s plenty of room to discuss Rocky de La Fuente.
Have at it … so long as there’s plenty of room to discuss Rocky de La Fuente.
Please no! That would be like adding, say, video game reviews to this site. You are in the business of discussing Newton issues. I really value having a forum specifically for local issues. There’s plenty of sources for national political information and forums for that discussion. I honestly don’t care at all what my Newton neighbors think about some issue across the country. But I do care deeply about local issues, and would rather have a laser focus on that.
Please no! That would be like adding, say, video game reviews to this site. You are in the business of discussing Newton issues. I really value having a forum specifically for local issues. There’s plenty of sources for national political information and forums for that discussion. I honestly don’t care at all what my Newton neighbors think about some issue across the country. But I do care deeply about local issues, and would rather have a laser focus on that.
I, too, would prefer that Village 14 remain dedicated to Newton issues. That said, I’m certainly capable of ignoring any threads that don’t interest me.
I, too, would prefer that Village 14 remain dedicated to Newton issues. That said, I’m certainly capable of ignoring any threads that don’t interest me.
It sounds fine to me – and now I’m curious what thread you want to start it with. Personally I’d be happy to know what other Newtonites have to say and I’d enjoy an intelligent discussion.
It sounds fine to me – and now I’m curious what thread you want to start it with. Personally I’d be happy to know what other Newtonites have to say and I’d enjoy an intelligent discussion.
I’d be very interested to hear what the V14 community has to say on the presidential election. There are some very smaht people here.
I also understand the concerns that some have registered. But I think mgwa has the right attitude — if you’re not interested, ignore the thread. So as long as national politics don’t take over the site, and provided the thread title makes it clear, then I say go for it. Maybe use a warning label of some kind. There’s “NSFW” for “not suitable for work.” Maybe “PEDA” — “Presidential Election Discussion Ahead.” (PETA is taken.)
I’d be very interested to hear what the V14 community has to say on the presidential election. There are some very smaht people here.
I also understand the concerns that some have registered. But I think mgwa has the right attitude — if you’re not interested, ignore the thread. So as long as national politics don’t take over the site, and provided the thread title makes it clear, then I say go for it. Maybe use a warning label of some kind. There’s “NSFW” for “not suitable for work.” Maybe “PEDA” — “Presidential Election Discussion Ahead.” (PETA is taken.)
Sorry Gail no “aldermen” will be posting here. Only City Councilors!
@Emily: Oops. Sorry about that. I must have experienced a momentary flashback to 2015.
Sorry Gail no “aldermen” will be posting here. Only City Councilors!
@Emily: Oops. Sorry about that. I must have experienced a momentary flashback to 2015.
Another vote for no. Let’s keep this about Newton. There’s enough to talk about– perhaps another open thread on suggested thread topics would be good.
Another vote for no. Let’s keep this about Newton. There’s enough to talk about– perhaps another open thread on suggested thread topics would be good.
I vote yes, because technically who are president is does in some way effect our schools, etc.
I vote yes, because technically who are president is does in some way effect our schools, etc.
So much media about national politics, so little about Newton. I’d rather this blog stay focused on more local matters. True, it’s easy enough to ignore threads we aren’t interested in, but V14’s strength is it’s uniqueness.
So much media about national politics, so little about Newton. I’d rather this blog stay focused on more local matters. True, it’s easy enough to ignore threads we aren’t interested in, but V14’s strength is it’s uniqueness.
I’m writing from Bermuda where I have tried to take a short break from all things Newton and Presidential. @Jerry. Rocky rocks.
Here’s the most sober thing I can say about Newton and the Democratic Presidential campaign, at least from the Democratic side of things. We just went through a bruising and bitter fight over Austin Street so it may surprise some that we have folks from both sides who are stalwarts in Bernie’s Newton campaign. I know because I canvassed in New Hampshire on at least two occasions with several Newton residents who were extremely vocal on both sides of Austin Street. That said, I didn’t hear a single word about Austin Street up there. I suspect the Clinton side has some of the same dynamics.
I’m writing from Bermuda where I have tried to take a short break from all things Newton and Presidential. @Jerry. Rocky rocks.
Here’s the most sober thing I can say about Newton and the Democratic Presidential campaign, at least from the Democratic side of things. We just went through a bruising and bitter fight over Austin Street so it may surprise some that we have folks from both sides who are stalwarts in Bernie’s Newton campaign. I know because I canvassed in New Hampshire on at least two occasions with several Newton residents who were extremely vocal on both sides of Austin Street. That said, I didn’t hear a single word about Austin Street up there. I suspect the Clinton side has some of the same dynamics.
How about a blog on grammar, I just read my entry from last night…oops.
How about a blog on grammar, I just read my entry from last night…oops.
Only if there’s a local angle. Otherwise, no.
Only if there’s a local angle. Otherwise, no.