The recently formed Newton Village Alliance (NVA) has organized as a city-wide group raising issues about development issues in Newton. Since their web site went on-line and the organization went public they’ve come in for some criticism here on Village14 and elsewhere for their relative anonymity. This week NewTV ran a profile of the NVA (Chapter 3, at about the 4:30 mark) with a number of members speaking on behalf of the group. The NewTV story featured comments by Matt Yospin, John Koot, Julia Malakie, Ron Mauri, and Carol McPherson. Earlier articles in the Tab featured statements by John Koot, Isabelle Albeck, and Kathleen Kouril Griese. At this point, I think any concern that they they are an anonymous group hiding in the shadows should be dispelled.
As for their message, I think it’s not a single message or a single viewpoint but appears to be an umbrella group that encompasses folks who have concerns about a wide variety of distinct development issues – everything from teardowns, McMansions, large apartment complexes, historic preservation, rezoning, and 40B’s. It will be interesting to see how the group evolves. One path would be to be a group who’s against all new development. A more productive path would be if they can manage to be part of the development process and shape it rather than just oppose it.
My opinion – Newton should be allowed to (and will) evolve. While I’m a strong proponent for the options of historical preservation (we have a group for that) and the ability to re-zone as needs change, I have no issue with tear-downs assuming all the proper documentation and approvals are met.
Something I’ve come to cherish about living in Newton is the aspect of Village pride. I’ve only lived in Upper Falls for 7 years or so, but I do feel a sense of community. And when I visit other Village Days, I get the feeling it’s equally as strong in those. I love walking around Upper Falls and seeing homes and buildings that I know have been there for over a hundred years and will likely be there a few hundred more at least. But in the neighborhoods that aren’t deemed historical? Let the owners re-build! It should be fair game.
Heck, who’s not to say a “new home” today won’t be in some way historical a hundred years from now, itself? Just because our villages contain old history doesn’t mean we should block the ability to create new history, too.
There are, of course, exceptions. The complete and total destruction of Newton Square (now Newton Corner) in the name of progress comes to mind… but I also view that as quite radically different from homes being replaced with new homes. Checks and balances, please!
I respect many of these individuals, each with their own cause, some I feel very strongly about. But when e-mail queries to the website come back unsigned with vague statements about seeking approval from “the steering committee,” even if we were to guess that the six individuals named in Jerry’s post are the steering committee, I’d say it still feels like a cabal. It’s going to be difficult for individuals to participate in such a group without some transparency. From the website, participation sounds like being directed to public meetings, not NVA meetings. Does NVA ever meet? Are public officials expected to respond to anonymous requests?
What Adam said.
Plus, why should people have to piece this together? They’ve created a very thorough, detailed, web site. (Including a page titled “Lead the Way” inviting you to join an unnamed steering committee…who would do that?)
Why won’t they publish the steering committee members or at least officers’ names on the site?
Too bad the NewTV reporter didn’t ask them about this (or if she did, did not include it in the report)
This group looks like a sure problem. Notice they’re all wearing the same style pants. Is the cabal militarizing?
Excellent points Adam and Greg.
I’m interested in some of what they have to say, and although I don’t agree with everything they are hoping for, the website makes it sound like their core concepts are sound.
But without knowing who are the members actually “leading the way” then why would I back them? All groups like this should have some transparency (if not full). Although likely unintentional, it’s suddenly become very cloak and dagger.
@Hoss: Don’t look now but I’m wearing khakis today too!
It’s the trees! They put something in the trees!
BTW — are we supposed to ignore what happens at 11:00:00?