Setti Warren is engaged a series of “lasts” as Newton’s mayor. In February, he delivered his final “State of the City” address. This past Tuesday, he delivered his final city budget. On May 24 he will host his final “Mayor’s Community Prayer Breakfast” at Boston College. In June, it will be time for his final Newton North and South graduations as mayor….and so on.
Although Warren will occupy the mayor’s office until the end of this year and is expected to officially announce his candidacy for governor some time in the next few months, what do you think will be his legacy as our mayor will be? What will you look back and say he accomplished or failed to accomplish? Is he leaving Newton in a better place than it was when he assumed office just over seven years ago?
I would say that Setti is an honorable, talented man, hard working and dedicated to many issues important to him. For whatever reasons he is ready to move on. Perhaps he was unable to view Newton through the eyes of his constituents. He has his own views as to Newton’s future, maybe he simply could not bend that perspective to an alternate vision.
Let his honor know that when he goes to renew his Mass. drivers license, the new digitized image recognition system does not allow the applicant to smile. Apparently from RMV officials, the showing of glossy shiny whites overexpose and will not be able to save for national image recognition software. – Does he know how to frown…
while on the subject, walk the hall of past mayoral portraits, notice the big difference- he’s the only one smiling showing the pearly whites, good luck Mr. Mayor.
I think Randy is right, he’ll be most remembered for taking on the city’s structural deficit and bending that curve.
In our neighborhood I think his legacy will be as the the guy who stepped in, when the project went “off the rails”, to get the Upper Falls Greenway completed.
In our theater, his legacy will be as the guy who helped launch the Nomad Story Slams
To me, his legacy is his community involvement in Newton. He had a presence at lots of events – the Heartbreak Hill Race, Nonantum Tree Lighting, Picnic at the Park, etc.
Three new schools with a fourth on the way and renovated fire houses. A strong supporter of public education.
Fixed the finances. 1st term housecleaning in the departments needed to be done too.
The Commonwealth recently published the most recent statistics on opioid related deaths. Most communities in Massachusetts saw fewer people die in 2016. Unconscionably, Newton saw an unfathomable increase in deaths of roughly 142%. In the entire 5 years before Setti Warren took office, Newton had a total of 11 opioid related deaths. In 2016 alone, we heartbreakingly had 17.
In this time-frame, the City Council and Mayor have debated and passed legislation as related to illegal immigration. They have debated whether we should allow our hardworking residents to use leaf blowers. They have debated whether we should allow our kids to fly drones. Next month, they are even going to debate whether our City should support impeaching President Trump.
I’ve been called out by many in the status quo for being too aggressive in raising issues that have a measurable impact on the health and well-being of current residents. For trying to get the City to test the water in our public housing for lead, my motives have even been attacked by elected official. So let me ask you this: When 17 fellow residents died in 2016, what did you do? What action did you take? What debate did you lead? What change did you produce?
The Mayor has been in office for roughly 7 years, and most of our other elected officials have been there much longer. In all this time, in the Mayor’s own words, “Newton PATH has worked to address the opioid epidemic that is facing Newton and the rest of the country. Some efforts that have been done include placing a permanent drug take-back kiosk in the police station to promote safe Rx disposal, holding a community event for teens and adults (over 200 in attendance), ensuring nurses, police and firefighters are all equipped with Narcan (the lifesaving drug that can reverse the effects of an overdose) and many more.”
When I read this, I hoped it was a joke. I hoped, genuinely hoped, that the leader of our community did not list his first accomplishment at tackling a public health crisis as placing a box in a police station. Do you know who doesn’t go to the police station, at least not voluntarily? Drug addicts.
I’ve helped saved a kid’s life in Newton who appeared to be overdosing. I’ve had family members die from drugs and alcohol. I grew up in public housing and on welfare, where many succumb to drug and alcohol abuse because of the cycle of poverty. I highlight this because I know that we can do better, and I’ve pushed our leadership to do better. But we haven’t done better, and the very issue that is literally killing fellow residents – often the most vulnerable amongst us – has been largely ignored.
To the friends and families of all who have died because of this public health crisis, although your struggles are ignored by many, you are in my thoughts daily. To those who believe that we can do better, your help is needed, and it begins by pressing Mayor Warren in regard to whom he is bringing on his team to combat these challenges. Having looked into some of these details, I personally find the lack of balance and specificity horrific. With 24 City Councilors, it’s high time that some of them begin asking the Mayor tough questions and getting legitimate answers. After all, this guy is going to use the City of Newton to run for Governor.
To start saving and changing lives in Newton, what we don’t need is another “community meeting” that less than 0.002% of the community attends. What we need is leadership. Real leadership.
Link to statistics: