Yesterday, City Council President Susan Albright and Council Vice President Rick Lipof issued the following statement on Facebook.

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

The text:

Vice President Lipof and I are in agreement with Mayor Fuller’s recent statement condemning the tactics used in the Ward 3 race. We understand that currently there are investigations underway that will determine what was legal or illegal but we must address the ethical issues raised by the fake email and an unattributed flyer. As a country we may have sadly grown numb to dishonest and unethical maneuvers, however, we feel there should be no place in Newton for such distasteful antics.
We denounce this type of covert, dishonest behavior that does a disservice to the electorate during the process of vetting their potential representatives. Honest debate and truthful dissemination of information should be the bedrock of our elections, and we should collectively strive for fairness in all we do in city government.
We are not naive and know that the political process is at times contentious, but a level of decorum and respect should always be at the forefront. Moving forward we strive to heal and bring the council and the city together as we are stronger with one goal to do what is best for our great city.
This is Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s statement, to which Councilors Albright and Lipof refer.
Unless there is something noteworthy about a future statement on the Trump email incident or the Trump flyer incident, this will be the last individual post with a statement. If there are further statements by elected officials, organizations, or notables, we will append to this post.