City Councilor Emily Norton has sent an email about the leafletting she did last weekend in support of Councilor Julia Malakie in the contested Ward 2 Ward Councilor race, in which she called Councilor Malakie’s opponent, former Councilor Jim Cote, “an anti-environment, conservative Republican sympathetic to the Trump wing of the GOP.”

The folks who received this directly received it at about 10:30 

This is a screen shot of the email. The text of the body of the email follows. I have redacted Councilor Norton’s email address, phone numbers, and address from the image.

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

The text:


There have been stories circulating on social media about leafletting before this week’s election. To clear up any confusion, here’s what I did:

  • I went door-to-door canvassing in ward 3 to promote my preferred City Council candidate, who has been a terrific Councilor. Her opponent was a conservative Republican whose views I do not support.
  • My canvassing involved leaving leaflets with voters, and I stopped and talked with several people after I gave them the leaflets. Needless to say, this was the opposite of “hiding”!
  • Click here for the leaflet. 
  • Campaign reporting and disclosure requirements are being met in accordance with the law.
Please reach out to me with any questions, and enjoy the weekend!
“Click here for the leaflet” returns a PDF of the flyer we’ve seen previously, but only as a camera-phone shot.
 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog