City Councilor Emily Norton has sent an email about the leafletting she did last weekend in support of Councilor Julia Malakie in the contested Ward 2 Ward Councilor race, in which she called Councilor Malakie’s opponent, former Councilor Jim Cote, “an anti-environment, conservative Republican sympathetic to the Trump wing of the GOP.”
The folks who received this directly received it at about 10:30
This is a screen shot of the email. The text of the body of the email follows. I have redacted Councilor Norton’s email address, phone numbers, and address from the image.
The text:
Greetings,There have been stories circulating on social media about leafletting before this week’s election. To clear up any confusion, here’s what I did:
- I went door-to-door canvassing in ward 3 to promote my preferred City Council candidate, who has been a terrific Councilor. Her opponent was a conservative Republican whose views I do not support.
- My canvassing involved leaving leaflets with voters, and I stopped and talked with several people after I gave them the leaflets. Needless to say, this was the opposite of “hiding”!
- Click here for the leaflet.
- Campaign reporting and disclosure requirements are being met in accordance with the law.
Please reach out to me with any questions, and enjoy the weekend!

Hands down, Newton is the whiniest and most divisive community that I am aware of.
I have never commented on V14. I just stop by every once in a while. The City Council needs to adopt a recall provision and let the citizens recall Norton. I live in W2 and would sign and vote against.
I have never voted for Jim nor do I agree with him on many positions. I have voted for Emily most times she has ran.
If we let this slide, the Council has lost all credibility.
That is really all that needs to be said.
Wait – are there actually people that think creating an ordinance to prevent the Newton police from harassing illegal immigrants isn’t “grandstanding?” If not for this ordinance we might have cops staking out the latest McMansion open house asking for passports!
@Raynor – Ironically, Julia Malakie herself got “cancelled” recently for upsetting our progressives friends on another issue. But I don’t want to derail this thread…
@JGranbo eh, my friends in Cambridge tell me a lot of stories. They’re a close second, if not first place.
@Henry Benedict
I will happily sign your nomination papers for one of the most underrated, underpaid, overworked and abused positions in City government. Sign right up for Ward Counselor for Ward 2 because there’s no glory, no pay, no benefits – a ton of time away from family and way more aggravation than you can imagine. But if you can manage to make friends with Sean Roche and Greg Reibman (lulz for days) you’ll manage to reduce your aggravation level to 98%. Prepare to have random strangers including former Aldercritters from Ward 3, Esquire extraordinaire– (well at least in his own mind) write to your current employer explaining why you should be fired when they disagree with you. After all – there’s ALWAYS a justification to try to get you fired from your current job. Such SWAG! Sign right up and I promise I’ll give you your first 50 bucks. That should get you started.
Lisa — inadvertently, I’m sure — neglects to mention that the councilor on the hot seat right now instigated a campaign to get Greg fired from his job.
Lisa is also too complimentary. She way overstates our (Greg and my) influence.
I can tell you one way to become our “friend”: support — or at least don’t fight — the zoning reform that is required to address climate change, address the regional housing crisis, and start to redress the social injustice of Newton’s exclusionary zoning. If you aren’t going to support zoning reform, particularly adding significant housing near transit, at least don’t claim that you’re an environmentalist. That kind of shameless hypocrisy really annoys us and makes it difficult to be friends.
Ugh the last two comments by @Lisa and @Sean made my teeth hurt. Snarky, sarcastic, contemptuous and personal. Take it offline. Doesn’t add anything to the conversation. And @sean your obsession with zoning/density issue does not reflect the interest on the street- no matter how much you wish it did. Don’t preach at us.
@ Peter – I disagree. They are expressing their point of view. If you were the owner of V14 you could censor whatever you want.
As a voter, I definitely want to know about pro-Trump leanings of any candidate. I don’t see how Councilor Norton’s going door-to-door with the evidence of Cote’s own tweets is wrong. She didn’t lie about what he said and she didn’t lie about who she is.
@Lisa Parlagreco, Councilor Emily Norton distinguished herself by her scuzziness in this campaign. Own it. She should resign. Now.
@Ted Hess-Mahan
Earth to Ted- I don’t believe the Councilor is inclined to take your advice, nor should she. So you can expect that to be no more likely than you turning into any form of Stallion… except in your own mind. Own that.