According to the city unofficial results page, in a race between two first-time candidate, Paul Levy has defeated Shawn Fitzgibbons 8,449 to 7,191 votes.
Ward 6 School Committee — Paul Levy
by Sean Roche | Nov 2, 2021 | Newton | 25 comments
by Sean Roche | Nov 2, 2021 | Newton | 25 comments
According to the city unofficial results page, in a race between two first-time candidate, Paul Levy has defeated Shawn Fitzgibbons 8,449 to 7,191 votes.
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This is great news for the NPS !
Thankful.for that. Maybe we won’t need to hear from Kate KW ever again!!
Graciousness, please :) Election night should be a time for resets.
The NTA went all out in support of Shawn. I think Paul Levy’s win speaks volumes.
If I may amend your statement, Michael, the NPS educators went all out for Shawn.
Maybe character assassination isn’t a good campaign strategy.
And Kathy.
Fascinating race and the only contested one with no incumbent running — Shawn wins 9/32 precincts, but Paul wins every ward across the City. Based on emails and other indicators, Shawn (longtime head of the Newton Democratic City Committee) was the “machine” candidate, while Paul built his victory through a compelling personal bio and resume, along with broad personal connections. Congratulations Paul!
Congrats Paul.
Please understand your mandate. Parents want change and accountability. They do not and will not support reining in teacher’s salaries. We want the best and are willing to pay for it.
Despite the comment above, an enormous amount of NPS educators have reached out in their support of Paul. Congrats to the winners and thanks to all who ran for office. Speaking to candidates from all sides today, the common denominator was everyone is glad the campaign is over.
Shawn lost because of his wife
Dear Paul,
Congratulations on your victory. Thank you for your willingness to serve Newton students.
As you get started next year, I hope you can focus on changing the metrics on the many racial disparities in Newton. This will lift up our school system overall. In particular, please focus on eliminating the disparity in discipline. Currently black students are punished at a five times higher rate than white students.
Again, congratulations on your victory and good luck as an SC member. I also hope your son has a great year at school. Kindergarten is a lot of fun and I am glad your son can be at school in-person.
Take care,
I hope Paul focuses on specific concerns residents had with schools…
He was elected to address their concerns.
That was gracious and commendable Shawn. Great for all of us to see. Thank you.
Yes. Classy move by Shawn
Two excellent candidates. Hopefully we will see Shawn running for something in the future
Classy, Shawn! Thanks for running!
Paul Levy is going to make life MISERABLE for the NTA. He doesn’t like unions-period. Anyone that takes umbrage with my statement, please do some research on his history. He doesn’t strike me as one that upholds fair play and will go straight for the jugular the moment that he can. Paul is going to make Matt Hills look like a liberal.
So glad Paul Levy won. He will bring more rational fiscal management to the schools budget process. There are so many rational ways to rethink how money is spent more efficiently. For so many decades the school leadership has spent funds as though there are no limits to its financial resources. Often funds are wasted badly. Elect Paul for leadership of the school committee. Then we will really see change.
Congrats Paul.
One rule of elections is that, no matter how long and hard of a campaign, the white hot cream usually finds a way to rise to the top.
Congrats Paul, Please get the politics out of the NPS,it does not belong there!!!!
Congratulations, Paul. I can’t imagine a better choice for Newton School Committee!
@Colleen makes a great point. The School Committee should make Paul Levy its chair. The obvious objection is that Paul Levy has never served on the School Committee. However, Paul has served and even led so many boards including some of the most important ones in Massachusetts and even the world. His election was also a referendum on the previous two school committee chairs as they endorsed his opponent. Clearly the hand picked candidate of the previous two chairs should not serve as chair. The mayor in particular should recognize how angry parents are at her about how she has participated on the School Committee and acknowledge these mistakes by voting for Paul Levy or another candidate.
@Bruce and @Colleen – Absolutely agree!
Paul will bring empathy, inclusivity and professionalism as the chair of SC.
I truly hope they seriously consider him for the chair.
Congratulatiions Paul Levy
Newton is fortunate to have you on the School Committee, I know you will do what is right for the Newton schools