All candidates running for contested seats in the upcoming election were invited to submit a post in support of their candidacy to Village14.  This is Barry Bergman’s

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogIn my work as a financial systems consultant, listening to the client was a key step in a successful software implementation campaign. In my campaign for Ward 6 City Councilor, I am walking through Ward 6 listening to what residents are saying.  This is what I have found out:

Out of Scale Development – On many streets I walk down, the neighbors show me the out of scale mansions built in their neighborhood and the adverse effects they have on the neighbors. In 2007 the residents of Wellesley took a stand against the “mansionization” of Wellesley by voting for a large house review process. As a result of this process, mature trees are saved from destruction, drainage issues are addressed and the size of these homes are reduced. Wellesley’s goal was to balance personal property rights and one’s social contract with the neighborhood; a concept questioned by my opponent (ZAP mtg 6-29-20). Our Zoning and Planning Committee chair refuses to schedule a docket item concerning teardowns. This is just wrong. Our Zoning Redesign project is supposedly looking for resident input. Why wouldn’t the committee in charge of this effort hear from city councilors on our biggest zoning issue?

Affordable Housing – Most residents I have spoken to want affordable housing. Unlike my opponent, nearly all agree with me that two homes on a single family lot will not lead to affordable housing. Just ask the folks I have spoken with on Halcyon Road, who have seen modest two family homes torn down behind them on Athelstane Road and replaced by two separate homes going from $1.6 – $1.8 million each. This only foreshadows what will happen if single family zoning is ended. These residents want real solutions like:

  • Protecting our existing modest homes
  • Promoting accessory apartments
  • Working with nonprofit developers on mixed use developments in our village centers
  • Creating a housing trust where the City buys up homes and resells them to people who couldn’t normally afford to live here, giving them the ability to create wealth.

Environment – Everyone I speak to agrees that our climate action plan is great, but there is more to do. Unlike my opponent (NewTV Candidate Profile 9/23/21), I believe that we need better tree replacement policies and need to increase our tree canopy, which is half of what it was in the 1970s. On a number of streets residents have pointed out where natural gas leaks have long been ignored by National Grid. We have the most natural gas leaks in the state outside of Boston. We need to work with the state to get this rectified.

Infrastructure – A Beecher Place resident sent me a copy of their petition to the City to request that their street be paved. Enclosed were photos of all the children and their injuries suffered while playing on the street. On Hartford Street a resident told me about their fruitless attempts to get a speed limit sign to slow down cars using the street as a shortcut from Route 9 to the Highlands. A Trinity Terrace mother told me how during the recent electric outage the Mason Rice backup generator wouldn’t turn on.  Newton’s Comprehensive Plan says “Fix It First”. We need to give high priority to maintaining our streets, sidewalks, parks, athletic fields and schools.

Public Safety – Residents want to live in a city where every single person feels safe no matter who they are. They want to work together with the police to implement the Police Task Force recommendations community, not vote to cut their budget, like my opponent did for the 2021 budget.

Budget – Many agree that we need greater budget transparency and smart spending.

Most importantly, our Ward 6 residents want to be heard and I am listening. In this campaign you have a clear choice. I hope you will take a close look at the issues. If you do, I think you will find yourself agreeing with me and the residents I have spoken with. Learn more at

It is time for a change. Please vote for me in early voting at City Hall Friday (8:30 am – 5:00 pm) and Saturday (8:30 am – noon) or at the polls on Election Day – November 2.