It’s no surprise that many Newton voters find our elections confusing.  So many good people running for so many positions.  How do you decide?

You can study each candidate and their positions.  Everyone “should” do this, but it takes time and the information can be hard to find.  You can look to endorsements from organizations like “Right Size Newton” or current elected officials.  However, you’re trusting others to vet the candidates, but at least you can listen to those you feel most in synch with.  You can count lawn signs and see who your neighbors, known to you or not, support.  Unfortunately, we don’t have an involved local paper to critically report on our candidates like the TAB of several years ago under Greg and Gail.

Whether or not you align with Right Size Newton, there’s a philosophy behind it and pro or con, it can be helpful to see who they endorse.  But for me, a more interesting question is whether or not our candidates should team up on their own?

What if we had a Blue slate and a Red slate?  Starting at the top, who would join with Amy or Ruthanne, for City Council and School Committee?  I can imagine that an unopposed candidate might prefer to not commit at all (gutless but safe), but in a contested election this could be really clarifying for the voters.

What do you think of this idea?  How would you line up our current slate of candidates for November’s election?