I has a scary moment this morning driving past the Angier School and it makes me think there may be something a bit broken in how the traffic and pedestrians are being managed there.

I was driving out-bound on Beacon St (right-to-left in photo).   It was school starting time and rush hour so things were quite busy with lots of cars and pedestrians.  Just past Collins Rd coming up to the traffic light and crosswalk there’s a short left turn lane.  This morning as I came up that stretch the left turn lane was full of waiting cars, the light was green for me, and I was driving quite pretty slowly (< 10 MPH) through that short stretch due to all of the confusion.   Just as I was starting to pass the front car and cross through the crosswalk with a green light, someone yelled loudly and I stopped abruptly.

Off to the left in the crosswalk, out of my site lines until that very instant, was a crossing guard who was trying to cross pedestrians in the crosswalk I was going through.  The crossing guard glared at me and gestured that I should slow down despite the fact I was going quite slow the whole time.

The problem seems to be two-fold.   The guard was crossing people while the light was green for me AND she was completely out of site until the last possible moment before I entered the crosswalk.

I’m not a traffic engineer so I’ll leave it to other to suggest what needs to change but its clear something does.

Have you gone through this intersection as either a driver or pedestrian at school start time?   What’s your take on how that all works?   Is it me, or is something wrong with the layout of the intersection or the procedure for crossing pedestrians?