I had the chance to listen to parts of the City Council Hearing that confirmed our new Chief of Police, John Carmichael. I Zoomed in as Councilor Baker asked what the new Chief would do to enforce the Leaf Blower ordinance? While I found the question an odd choice for a hearing like this, from what I did hear Chief Carmichael seemed like a great selection. I wish him well in his new role.

In photos I’ve seen of the new Chief from the job he’s leaving he was wearing collar devices that showed his rank…military insignia with four stars. As a former Navy Officer, I identify that symbol with a full Admiral, or a full General. To me, it seems a bit pretentious for any police chief to wear rank like that, but then again, our police use military rank…Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants. My question is, why?

Our Fire personnel don’t use military rank. More to the point, in Great Britain and many other countries their police also avoid the use of military rank. They have Constables, etc. Why? It’s because they want to avoid the appearance of having a paramilitary force, or that the police are a paramilitary force.

I think the point matters a lot. Our new Chief will be charged with implementing many recommendations from a task force charged with looking for ways to remake our police to avoid the kinds of stereotyping we’ve seen in Newton, or to avoid the really unfortunate death where our police killed a resident with serious emotional challenges in Newton Highlands a few months back.

I’ve always wondered what motivates a person to join the Police vs. the Fire Department? For me, people that join the Fire Department are completely focused on helping others. They’re selfless. But I’m not sure that I can say the same for the police. While I think that many police are solely focused on wanting to help, I also think that there are quite a few who enjoy the guns, the authority, and the militaristic side of things. They join for this reason and it isn’t what we need.

So, I’d like to see this changed. Symbols matter. Why can’t Newton abolish military rank for its police force? We could also change the look of the uniforms our police wear. It would make a powerful statement, and it might actually make a difference. What do you think?