I’m reluctant to start yet another thread about the election but I’m optimistic (naive?) enough to hope that this could start a more balanced conversation. All the talk has been about slates: Barash/Ranalli vs Lucas/Oliver (my apologies to David Micley who will win some votes but not more than either of his opponents in the Ward 2 race). But there’s no guarantee that slate campaigning is going to work. Is anybody splitting their vote? There are four outcomes possible here: Lucas/Oliver, Barash/Ranalli, Lucas/Ranalli, Barash/Oliver.
If there’s a split, which do you think is most likely?
Lol. This thread is just going to be a rehash of every negative campaign discussion we’ve seen this far. I admire your optimism Gail. It is misplaced methinks.
It’s unfortunate that most of us never had a chance to meet or learn about these candidates — our neighbors, let’s remember — individually, before they were defined as being on “this side” or “that side.”
That also meant there was never the kind of thorough vetting that every candidate and voter deserves. We just assumed, we’re for them because so and so is against them, or vice versa.
Five humans are on the ballot running for part time positions. It’s a shame, and shameful, that the much of the shouting, vilifying and finger pointing ignored the basic respect they all deserved.
Well put, Greg. I’m hoping we have more open and cordial discussions of that sort during the School Committee races this coming fall. Here’s the note I sent to my opponent when he entered the race:
“I was delighted to hear yesterday that you have joined me in the race for the open School Committee seat from Ward 6. The city is always better off when there is competition for municipal offices, and I look forward to our (virtual and in-person) discussions and debates over the coming months.
“I pledge to engage in a campaign based on the issues facing our schools and to avoid any comments or statements about personal matters during this campaign. If you ever hear of any reports to the contrary about any of my remarks or literature, please let me know immediately. My phone number is included below.
“My best regards to you and your family.”
Maybe, just maybe, the races for School Committee can provide an example to our school children about the virtues of healthy competition for public office.
Really nice note Paul. It would be nice to see every candidate do something similar.
But really we need the followers to do the same. Let voters hear from the candidates before we get barraged with endorsement emails from city councilors, PACs and others telling us who is on or not on our “side.”
It crossed my mind. I like both Tarik and Bryan and considered both, but my views align more with Bryan’s so I will ultimately vote for him, but I won’t be disappointed by the outcome regardless.
I never really cared for Oliver’s campaign, so he was a no go for me.
So I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to split a vote as I considered splitting my vote both ways.
Trivially easy: Oliver and Micley
I wanted to give Lucas a fair shake, but after he teamed up with Oliver he lost any consideration from me. Joining forces marries you to the others in your “party” and I’m not interested in anyone affiliated with the #NAnon faction and their ludicrous conspiracy theories.
This is a wonderful thread because I’ve been thinking about this very topic for the past several weeks. I am certain to vote for Oliver. I find Ranalli too inexperienced and too aligned with the very left wing of the Democratic party. I see Oliver as a pragmatist, and what seals the deal for me is his involvement with the NNPTO. I am very much torn over the Barash/Lucas race. I like both candidates. I like Bryan’s compassion, communication skills and dedication to this city; I like Tarik’s background, experience and practicality. That race will be a game-time decision for me.
Barash and Oliver. I have a hard time understanding how Ranailli attracts any votes. She is the candidate least likely to understand my concerns as a Newton resident. Way too young and inexperienced.