Now that we’re well into 2021, I’ve been surprised that so little has been written about this year’s election for Mayor. I’m not always as well connected as are many of the regulars here, but I’ve personally heard very little about whether or not anyone will challenge Ruthanne Fuller?

It’s an interesting question. I’ve always been a big Ruthanne advocate. When she first ran for City Council I supported her saying that if I couldn’t be in the room myself when a decision was being made, she’s the one I’d want representing me. This is mostly still true. Our Mayor is incredibly smart, genuinely nice, and very well versed in our City’s financials going back to work she did as a volunteer before ever seeking elected office.

The question now is, how has she done as Mayor? There are some areas where I personally feel that she’s been very strong. I think that she’s done a lot to build professionalism among our City employees…the experience today if you have business with the City is usually much improved from what was there earlier. She’s done a fine job with Strategic/long range financial planning. I also think she’s been a strong advocate for Newton with the State across many areas; transportation and our response to the recent proposed MBTA cuts comes to mind.

However, I can’t give our Mayor straight As. In my opinion, she’s fallen dramatically short with respect to providing vision and leadership as our schools have dealt with the pandemic. This has been discussed elsewhere in Village 14 at length, but it’s a major disappointment for me. I think that she could have done much more to bring our School Administration and the NTA together, to question planning assumptions about the HS cohorts, and in setting visionary objectives that show we’re thinking ahead and not just reacting. I’ve also been disappointed with what I perceive as the absence of an integrated development plan for the entire City, vs. specific corridors like Washington St. I see the Mayor’s responses typically as reactive and not strategic. A specific example would be the back and forth over the location for a new Senior Center. At one point the Mayor suggested the Newton Centre parking lot. That depressed me. While I’m not a development geek, many in the past have pointed out how the parking lot could create huge opportunities for a transformational project in Newton Center. When the Mayor proposed it as a potential Senior Center site I realized that her planning was mostly piecemeal and without any strategy at all!  

This brings me back to my original question, who might challenge Mayor Fuller? If no one else runs then our choice is easy. Four years ago, when the seat was open and the Mayor faced our then City Council President Scott Lennon she won by the slimmest of margins. In my view she’s vulnerable this year if a strong candidate steps up to challenge her. How do you feel the Mayor has done, and who would you like to see step up so that we have a choice?