Yes, it would be more fair to write about all the many, many traffic signs in Newton that are easy to understand. More fair, but less fun. So instead, here are three sets of signs that are somewhat baffling.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogFirst up, the “Do Not Enter” signs on the entrance to Beethoven Ave. by Zervas School. They are in effect for only 3 hours on each school day…which all together is only about 1/16th of the year…but they shout out all the time, modified by some fine print on most (but not all) of them to describe their actual hours. It would be clearer and easier to understand if we had signs that lit up only when they are in effect and remained dark for the other 94% of the time.

A while ago, while driving on Center Street through Newton Centre, I had time to catch only these two panels of a three-panel electronic sign:  “Unless Otherwise Posted”…”Please Drive Safely.”  It was only later, on another trip, that I happened to see the *first* panel in the sequence:  “Citywide Speed Limit 25MPH.” | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogAnd most recently, we have what looks like a red light with a green light on Washington Street at Walnut. Does the word “Red” in the sign refer to the main traffic light or to the illuminated red circle below it?