Note: Village 14 is happy to post a guest column by any candidate announcing a run for local office. This one is from Bryan Barash who has stepped back from blogging on Village 14 as he announces his run for City Council.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogAt a time when so much of our politics are divisive, when we’ve just been through the most grueling election of our lifetime, we need to come together as a community to meet the needs of our city and be an example of collaborative government for all. I believe strongly in the power of kindness, the impact of compromise, and the decency of the people who live here, values we need to hold onto even tighter as the pandemic strains our families and our mental health. I am running now, at this moment, because I know that the depth and breadth of my policy experience and my work in both state and local government will serve our city well as we navigate unprecedented times together.

Like so many cities across the country, Newton is facing what Joe Biden has called four historic crises, all at the same time: there is a deadly pandemic threatening our health, our financial stability, and our children’s education; an economic downturn straining our city budget and putting the small businesses at the heart of our community at risk; the impending threat of climate change that has gone unaddressed for too long; and racial injustice and policing policies that have created the most compelling call for racial equity in a generation.

In these trying times, and precisely because there is so much distrust for the government at this moment, it is more important than ever to run a campaign of, by, and for the people of Newton. I commit to running a clean, positive, grassroots campaign. To that end, and because I am so concerned about the pernicious influence of money in politics at all levels, I am refusing contributions to my campaign from municipal lobbyists and developers.

My website includes an ambitious agenda that I have developed through thousands of conversations with voters, elected leaders, and community leaders over the past months and years. My decisions will be informed by years of work as the General Counsel to State Senator Harriette Chandler, as a member of the Newton Human Rights Commission, and as a board member of the New Art Center  and the Bay State Stonewall Democrats. You’ll know where I stand because I have been in the trenches, doing the work, and have the track record to prove it. I am guided by my progressive values and driven by a desire to give back to this community which has given me so much.

I cannot wait to talk with each and every one of you about our shared vision for Newton’s future, and how we can get there, together. It pains me that the pandemic will force us to have many of these conversations over the phone and on Zoom, and while I wish I could be standing at your door or in your living room, these conversations are no less important.

Together, I know we can help navigate this city we all love through troubling times. I am asking you to put your faith in me to help lead us by giving me your vote to be the next City Councilor at-large serving from Ward 2. I look forward to talking with you and I ask for your vote.

Bryan Barash