While a lot of the attention surrounding Newton schools has been COVID-related, a major problem remains in the schools: racism. Today John Hilliard has the story of a letter sent by high school alumni to city leader: 

“Newton needs an educational system that reflects its professed values,” the letter said. “Now is the time for swift, clear, justice-oriented action, and whether we currently reside in Newton or still have family and social ties to the community, we will be watching for bold action from our former school system in this historic moment.”

An African American member of my robotics team talked with me recently about some of what he faced growing up in Newton schools, going all the way back to elementary schools. As he grew he found that the students never really learned to be more accepting, they just learned when and where to say racist things (hint: when they didn’t know he was listening). Of course, Newton isn’t alone in this. Earlier this week the Globe wrote about anti-Asian sentiment in Boston public schools