Mayor Fuller's Address to the City: June 15, 2020 from NewTV Government on Vimeo.
Mayor Ruthanne Fuller addressed some of the critical issues facing our community: racism, public safety and the role of our police, our priorities as evidenced in our City budget, the pandemic and the economic recession” on Monday (June 15) at 6 p.m. You can watch it here thanks to NewTV.
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I really appreciate the mayor confronting these issues head-on in tonight’s address and also appreciate that she has been listening and responding to the voices being raised around these issues.
This sounds like the very beginning of a process. Where it will eventually lead won’t be evident for a while but its a good starting point.
Do people still think she wins next election? I hope Lennon runs again.
The Mayor got the policy response to racism right. Make the simple immediate changes to policies that are clearly wrong or missing, and set up a through but rapid review of not just polices but also responsibilities. I like the idea of updates every 6 weeks. I am glad that the Mayor is seeing this as more than just a police issue a whole of government and society issue.
I’ll save the city almost $550,000 a year.
There are 24 city councilors receiving a $9,750 stipend each and 9 school committee members receiving a $4,875 stipend each. The Mayor’s salary is $155,000 a year. The Superintendent of Schools made $254,326.08 last year.
Make the city councilors a volunteer position (saves $234,000) and the same goes for the school Committee members (saves $43,875). And reduce the mayor/superintendent’s salaries to $70,000 a year each (saves $269,326.08). This is an annual savings of $547,201.08 which can be reapplied elsewhere. I don’t have the figures, but I know the city counselors receive city subsidized health insurance, which also should be taken away and I’m sure that would be a significant savings too – being a city counselor/school committee member is not a job, therefore it should not draw any salary/benefits, the benefit should be serving the people and bettering your city…they should be paid and receive benefits from their day job. As far as Mayor Fuller and Dr. Fleishman, there is no reason for them to be making that kind of money when the majority of their work is done by their subordinates. At the very least, the mayor should give up her $30,000 raise she got which she says she did not want but still collects.
I am all for funding programs to help our citizens, but not at the expense of public safety. If funds need to be diverted, then they should be done so over multiple city departments to not impact any single one too much.
I read her comments. I think it set the tone correctly and was a good mix of stuff that can be done right now and setting a path that can be done next. I think she could have gone further but she tends to run things cautiously and a bit more on the conservative side, so this may already be outside her comfort zone, which is a good thing. However, I am not a person of color and I want to see their comments and thoughts. I applaud the work done so far with the knowledge that work is never done.
Mayor Fuller gave an excellent, thoughtful, sincere, heartfelt speech. Maybe I missed it, and I don’t know how much of an issue it is in Newton, but I wish that she had addressed de-militarizing the police. I certainly hope that our police force does not train in Israel, a highly militarized society.
The real test will come when we see what actions are implemented. For example, will the more fortunate among us agree to have their taxes raised, perhaps on the federal, state, and local level, to address the issues that Mayor Fuller raised? Will further de-criminalization of drug use be pursued? Will this country finally face the shameful facts that we jail more people per capita than any other nation in the world? Many of these issues are national and state issues, but Newton can do its part.
Do you honestly believe that the NPD trains in Israel? They never have and they don’t currently and I bet with the budget cut we’re safe in assuming they never will!
Our whole police force is under scrutiny for something they haven’t done and people continue to double down and make it worse on OUR Officers.
Newton, these men and women have always shown up for you. Maybe it’s about time we show up for them!
@FedUp: I totally agree. This “defund” campaign is such a slap in the face of our community’s protectors. I will be truly embarrassed next time I ask the police for help in anything, let alone call them for an emergency.
@Phil: Councilors are volunteer positions. Their stipend is meant to cover elementary expenses and is totally reasonable. I agree that the superintendent’s salary is obscene, but that’s not unique to Newton. I wish something could be done about that.
@FedUp: I didn’t say whether the NPD trains in Israel, I simply said that I hope that they don’t.
As for funding for such training, according to Amnesty International, some of it is paid for by private parties, see the article at the following link:
For those agreeing with this ridiculous defund movement, you need to wake in and do some research!! This city already nickel and dimes the police department! Always has, always will! We are the safest city in America because of the hard work and diligence of our well trained, selfless police officers, who, regardless of the fact that they are loathed and treated as a necessary evil by many in this city, sacrifice weekends, holidays, children’s milestones and vacations to protect the lives and property of its citizens!! How are they thanked for their hard work?!?! By moronic, twenty-something city councilors calling them liars and pushing to defund them and by a bunch of high school kids , who don’t have the slightest clue about their sacrifices, marching down Commonwealth Ave chanting F-the police!! And by a Mayor who doesn’t have the stones to stick up for those men and women who show up at every single city sanctioned event To show their support for their community!! Shame, shame, shame on you all!!! Ask yourself have you ever needed these folk for anything? And have they ever not responded in a profession, courteous manner?!?!