| Newton MA News and Politics Blog

While Mayor Fuller’s updates are welcomed, sometimes she includes upcoming policies that have not been fleshed out which leads constituents to ask questions of their councilors who don’t yet have the answers. When the above happens, as it did with the Assistance for Renters during the COVID-19 outbreak, speculation starts and frustration abounds, even though unintended. John Hilliard has a Globe article from April 10 that also covers why assistance is needed. 
From Mayor Fuller’s 4/24/20 update:
$2.5M to Help Newtonians Pay their Rent
The economic fall-out and corresponding job loss from the pandemic is hitting Massachusetts households hard, especially those cost-burdened households who pay more than 30% of their income toward monthly housing costs.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston estimates 36% of renters in New England are at risk of not being able to make their rent payment because of lost jobs and decreased incomes from the COVID-19 crisis. 
Given our expensive housing costs, Newton rental households, especially those with low to moderate incomes, may be enduring an especially difficult period now.Our housing team here in Newton’s Planning and Development Department has been working hard and has found a way to help those households hardest hit with rent relief on a short-term basis.
Following guidance from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and along with the support of several City Councilors and members of the Community Preservation Committee, we are looking to utilize $2 million in Community Preservation Act funding (approximately one-sixth of the CPC’s $12 million unbudgeted resource funding) and $500,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to establish an emergency rental housing program. It will assist income-eligible Newton households impacted financially by COVID-19 by providing a portion of their monthly rent for up to a three-month period.

A presentation of the Emergency Housing Relief package is scheduled for a special joint meeting of the Community Preservation Committee and the Planning and Development Board on Monday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m.

I will let you know when the application form is available.

Som questions being asked:

Does the assistance go to the renters or the landlord’s?

Have the landlord’s been pulled into the loop to see what assistance they can contribute?

Why not wait on the update until there’s actually a policy on the table to present?