Dear V14 Colleagues: If Sean or Greg or any one of our usual doctrinaire authors put this up, I would be furious! As someone who walks a very middle political road and thinks a lot about our usual V14 issues, learning from or discounting the arguments so eloquently articulated here, I can assure all our readers that, while your politics may or may not be coincident with the message in this song’s parody, the profoundly brilliant and clever humor is overwhelmingly belly-shaking and will bring you to laughter with tears, an indulgence we all can use at this time! Without any further apologies:
What does this have to do with Newton?
Absolutely nothing but to offer a good laugh at a time when everyone in Newton can use one! And to admire the sheer ingenious wit of the lyrics!
Actually Greg or Sean wouldn’t post this because we have a rule on Village 14 that all posts need to be about Newton.
Yeah…but this is a laugh for all and he IS Newton’s President, too, whether one likes it or not!
Susan Albright is Newton’s President
The cast of this video is whiter than Tom Mountain’s left buttock.
C’mon guys! It’s very funny – and clever. Thanks, Sallee.
Actually, I’ve found ample enjoyment of late in watching (or re-watching) episodes of “Monty Python’s Flying Circus,” “Fawlty Towers,” “Moone Boy” and, to a somewhat lesser extent, “The Goodies.” Humor based on current events is all well and good, but it’s refreshing to get away from the here and now and just indulge in full-blown, timeless absurdity.
This is funny too.
I’ve already seen it and loved it. Thanks Sallee, I couldn’t have posted it without sparking chaos but I think it’s great that you did. V14 can use some humor right now.
He’s so talented and so are the people who helped him put this together.
Yes, Susan Albright is Newton’s President – and a good one at that.
Hilarious and apt for the times…but let’s blame Greg anyway!