In its final act of its 2018-19 term, the Newton City Council approved the Washington Street Vision Plan by a 17-6 vote Monday.
The plan allows for buildings in some limited locations to potentially be up to six stories high. But its important to note that is just a guideline for making future decisions, it’s not the equivalent of changing the zoning to six stories and/or granting a special permit.
In the dark of the night, ( at what hour ?), and with a willing council !
They couldn’t wait for the newly formed Council because ?
Yes Bill. Not only did the meeting end in the dark of night (about 10 pm) it was dark when it began too! (7:45!)
Seriously, if you don’t like something why not discuss it on its merits?
Yeah, I was wondering what role Blueprintbill envisions for the outgoing city council. What are they allowed to discuss and at what time of day?
Greg, do you know who voted no on this? I don’t believe the minutes are up yet.
“Merits”,.. LOL !
It sounds like the last desperate act of an already fractured city council.
At least it wasn’t the usual 23 to 0 .
The real question is what would the vote have been had it been taken today ? Or in the next couple of weeks emboldened with the referendum results ?
Let’s discuss it on a no bid 500000 dollar contract with a consultant. That always works.
Queen Ruthanne rules from her castle in Chestnut Hill and the peasants on the north side are surely revolting- to her.
I’m not sure what “merits” I’m going to get out of all this, except maybe an easier decision to leave my current home.
The zoning rehaul vote next year will be more interesting as it affects ALL of Newton.
Luckily, for “certain” neighborhoods, density will not increase because only “existing” multi family areas will remain multi family. Reading the zoning proposal seems like its tailor made for the 2 mile stretch of Washington street north of the pike.
This is why people like Sean Roche deserve respect, at least he’s consistent across all of Newton vs the virtue signalling councilors who push hard for density in someone elses backyard.
Personally, i would like to see more encouragement of Accessory unit builds. The much publicized and hyped Accessory ordinance did nothing to move the needle.
1. Its unbelievably expensive to build a backyard unit. 200k+ for a 1000 sqft unit and increased property taxes. The city should partner with some prefab manufacturers to provide a buy+click experience at reasonable price
2. Even if you built, it would take 20 years just to break even from rentals (and the headache)
They should just lower the minimum lot size way down and allow separate ownership. Lets home owners decide on their own property if they want increased density.
Last night, a motion to recommit the Washington Street Plan to the Zoning and Planning Committee to allow further work, including participation by 5 new Councilors, did not prevail. A motion to limit Plan heights to 5 stories failed 11-12. This narrow margin indicates that any proposed 6 story zoning will need to be persuasive enough to gain support from 4 more Councilors to reach the 16 votes required for adoption, an outcome not assured, even with 5 new Councilors next term. Also, while this version of the Plan has been voted, it can be amended further by majority vote of a future Council.
@ Bugek,
Yup, $200,000 will buy you a mobile home for YOUR backyard but not in mine !
Amy Dain, who has been doing some incredible writing over on Commonwealth, tackled the idea of accessory units this week:
On Twitter she pointed to a company in Western Mass that is manufacturing these:
And I know of another company that moved to Mass. from Toronto working on the same concept:
Who was the absent Councilor and which way would he/she have voted?
@Peter – Ciccone was the absent councilor.
I bet Ciccone would have voted No and the motion would not have carried.
He needed to be present last night!
Peter, As I recall, there was no vote taken last night where one person made the difference. The closest vote on an amendment asked to limit all heights in the plan to 5 stories. That failed by 1 vote but even a tie would have failed. In the end the plan was passed by 17 votes in favor 6 against. The hard work will follow when the Council discusses Washington St zoning. We look forward to hearing from everyone with every point of view. The Council worked on this plan for 2 years it was time to vote and put this phase to bed and move on to the next phase of the work. Every Councilor on the new Council will be expected to put their oar in the water – and we look forward to it.
YES. Let’s move on and get this show on the road now. I live off Washington Street and I’m looking forward to a more vibrant and spruced up Washington Street. Please no more hemming and hawing – let’s do this.
I too live off of Washington Street and am also looking forward to a more vibrant and spruced up Washington Street. On to zoning!
Many thanks to the many councilors who worked on this challenging vision plan.