| Newton MA News and Politics BlogFrom email  Councilor Cote sent to constituents today: 

I would like to thank you and the many other residents that have voted for and supported me over the past 6 years I have served for you on the City Council. My current term will end on December 31st.

My goal was to always be representative of the concerns of the residents and to use my skills and background as a “common sense” leader on the Council. Unfortunately, in this past election, the influence of anonymous one issue Political Action Committees (PAC’s), took away your ability to review and to vote for the candidate that has, and would represent you on all issues in front of the City Council. (Emphasis mine — GS)


Albie and I will be meeting with a group of supporters soon to determine possible next steps in my community service to the residents of Newton. These steps may include a return to the City Council, or a State elected political race.
Please let me know if you would like to remain on my email list for future updates.
Thank you and best wishes.