| Newton MA News and Politics Blog







Happy Birthday Amy! Thanks for putting together and sharing via email all the coming debate and election information.

With elections right around the corner, the following are links to websites that tie the upcoming events and candidates together. 

From Welcoming Newton

From the League of Women Voters Newton

From Newton City website

From Amy Sangiolo’s e-mail Newsletter 

REGISTER TO VOTE: The last day to register to vote for the November 5thMunicipal Elections is Wednesday, October 16ththe day after my birthday! To verify your voter registration, go here. You can register to vote online here or by mail here or you can also head down to City Hall and register in person.

Sample Ballots for the upcoming elections can be found here.

AREA COUNCIL HOST DEBATES: The Newtonville Area Council, Waban Area Council, Newton Highlands Area Council and the Upper Falls Area Councils are hosting candidate debates beginning this weekend. Click on links to candidate websites and NewTV Candidate Statements – where available. I’ve also included links to the LWVN debates for the different races.P

Wards 1-4
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, October 20, 2019; 2:00–6:00 pm
LOCATION: Newton North High School cafeteria, 457 Walnut St., Newtonville

Moderated by Marcus Breen

Moderated by Ken Parker  

Wards 5-6
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, October 27, 2019; 2:00–6:00 pm
LOCATION: Zervas Elementary School, Cafeterium 30 Beethoven Ave., Waban

Moderated by Andy Levin

Moderated by Ken Parker

* incumbent

**Please note: Jake’s colleague on the City Council, Becky Grossman, who is running unopposed for Ward 7 City Councilor at-large, is also running for Congress. Her City Council website can be found here, her Candidate Statement can be found here, and her Congressional Facebook page link can be found here.

The Area councils welcome questions from anyone in Newton in advance. Please submit them to [email protected] by TONIGHT – October 15th – (my birthday!!) Videos of the events will air on NewTV and should be available on all our social media platforms within 48 hours of the events.

Here are links to the League of Women Voter debates:

Ward Councilor Debates:

Ward Councilor At-Large Debates:

For other candidate statements (those who are unopposed) go here.

Thank you to NewTV and the League and to all the candidates for your willingness to serve.