Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller wrote this column for Commonwealth with Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll supporting Rep. Joe Kennedy for U.S. Senate.
As mayors, our highest priority when it comes to partners in Congress is a leader who shows up. And Joe shows up for Massachusetts.
But three of the city’s four member state house delegation — Sen. Cindy Creem, Rep. Ruth Balser and Rep. Kay Khan Kay told the Globe yesterday they favor reelecting Ed Markey.
“I wish I could still keep them where they are,” said Creem, of the two candidates. “I think Joe Kennedy’s great, but I don’t see what we’re changing here.”
0.1%’ers looking out for each other. No real surprise there. Fuller just gets worse and worse the longer she’s in office.
As I said on an earlier thread, Markey and Kennedy currently are pretty much the same in terms of hard working, policy, voting and constituent service. The only real difference is that Markey came from the working class and Kennedy from the privileged class. (Unless you count as also important that one is older than the other.)
If both about equal, perhaps the Kennedy name back in the U.S. Senate can give our state more political clout and cachet.
Markey has quietly done good work and earned respect in the Senate. He’s also gained some seniority, which is very important in terms of getting positions on important Senate committees.
I have no respect for Kennedy running for the seat just to advance his own ambitions out of a sense of entitlement, when the current Senator is doing a very good job for our state. I’d feel differently if he were running because he disagreed with Markey’s positions, but him taking that Senate seat won’t improve things for our state, just promote Kennedy.
Meredith, I think you may be missing the bigger picture. The Ed Markey vs. Joe Kennedy race is really AOC vs. the Kennedys (in terms of the future of the Dem Party).
@Jim Epstein
As I wrote in the other thread– Kennedy hasn’t done anything in his professional life except be a Kennedy. Its not about privilege, but what you do with it. He’s done too little in his life to merit being our representative.
Markey earned his spot in life, Kennedy inherited his. Big, big difference.
Paul, what you say did not deter the late Senator Edward Kennedy, nor his massive voter support in Massachusetts.
Are you not concerned with the future of the Dem Party? Ed Markey is now connected at the hip with AOC.
Ted Kennedy killed someone and that didn’t deter the voters either.
We’ve “benefitted” enough from the Kennedys. Definitely don’t need another one who hasn’t done anything with his life.
Is you connotation that Senator Ted Kennedy’s legislative record was no “benefit” or that you essentially disagree with Senator Kennedy’s policy positions as reflected in that legislation?
Those legislative achievements come along with showing society that you can 1) kill someone and it doesn’t matter if you’re born in the right family 2) can run for office with no accomplishments to your name, because of your name.
We’ve got 300 million people in this country. We can find people who have both the right policies and the right personal background.
Boo to Ruthanne. I liked Kennedy up until this point but the fact that he is challenging Markey is a real shame. There’s no reason to challenge him other than ego. GO ED!
Northland has not made any meaningful changes (address density concerns) in their Special Permit application for Needham Street for over a year – despite a fervor of concerns from the public (especially Upper Falls).
Thanks for “showing up (for Newton)” Mayor.
PS. Newton is more than just Chestnut Hill
This is America. If Congressman Kennedy wants to run for Senate, it’s his prerogative. Nobody should begrudge him. He can’t control his ancestry any more than the next person. He has impressed me as a very qualified, hard-working, and kind-hearted person.
Let the voters decide.
Personally, I think the nation would benefit from more frequent turnover in Congress. The Founders envisioned that public servants would have vocations other than politics and would, after a time, return to private life.
Globe just posting Becky Walker Grossman announces run for Kennedy’s seat.
Agree with Michael. If Kennedy wants to run – he has a right to do so. I am not a fan of political dynasties, but Joe’s a good guy, no need to punish him for what he can’t control. AOC’s endorsement also doesn’t do much for Markey in my book, LOL. Let the voters decide.