The Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council together with the Waban Area Council and Upper Falls Area Council are hosting a debate for the Candidates running for Ward Councilor from Ward 5. The debate will be Thursday, September 5 at 7:30 pm at the Emerson Community Center on Pettee Street. The three candidates are Rena Getz, Bill Humphrey and Kathy Winters.
The preliminary election, open to voters in Ward 5 only, will be next Tuesday September 10th.
The Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council with have a shortened agenda, meeting prior to the debate at 7:10.
If you are attending the debate please do not park in the reserved parking spaces. The reserved spaces are to the right of the entrance door as you face the entrance. You will be towed if you use any reserved space.
@Greg. The debate will be the evening of Thursday, September 5th.
Also, I believe that this debate is sponsored by all 4 Area Councils, including Newtonville Area Council.