does it go to Watertown, Brookline, Boston, Needham, Wellesley, maybe even Framingham, when you dial 911?

In a Globe article last week, Peter DeMarco wrote: “…the 911 system failed my wife, Laura Levis, in 2016 when she collapsed from an asthma attack on a bench outside the emergency room of CHA Somerville Hospital. Although she told operators her location, the 911 system erroneously put her phone hundreds of feet away…”

The culprit? A non-reliable cell phone location system. If you’re at home and still have a landline, your call will be routed through the City’s 911 system with your exact address indicated. But if you are out and about, dependent on your cell phone to show where you are, don’t bet on it.

What happens in Newton when you dial 911 on your cell phone? Which carriers go to the State Police? How much time is lost? If you break your ankle in Cold Spring Park, will coyotes eat you before the message gets to the Newton Fire or Police Departments? I don’t know the answer, but I would like to!