Indisputably, the most important news from the Nov 27 school committee public hearing was the overwhelming public push back from teachers, students, alumni, community members, mayor, school committee and other elected leaders strongly refuting unproven claims of an anti-Semitic bias in Newton school curriculum.
But there was also a side drama from Newton Republican City Committee Chair Tom Mountain.
During his three minute testimony, Mountain never even raised the curriculum matter. Instead he seemed to be calling for the hiring of public school officials based on political party registration. And then Mountain then broke some news when he announced:
“I’m going to get out of town….You got rid of Tom Mountain. Congratulations. Mazel tov.”
Scroll down to watch Mountain’s full tirade …
about 25% of people in Newton voted for Trump. What’s he talking about? Also, I never heard any of my kids’ school principals ever identify themselves politically, and have no idea what a “Republican principal” means.
Newtoner, 17% of Newton voted for Trump. (78.7% for Clinton, 17% for Trump, 3.2% for Johnson, and 1.1% for Stein.)
And good riddance to Tom Mountain.
This is fantastic news! I hope never to hear Tom Mountain’s hateful, ignorant, self-pitying nonsense again.
I’m sorry to see anyone leave Newton. Tom I wish you the best.
He did not really say he was leaving. It was more of a rhetorical device.
As part of my day job, I frequently interact with Newton business leaders and others who happen to be Republicans. They deserve a less-combative, more collaborative, leader representing them on the Newton Republican City Committee.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
The leadership of the Newton Rs in the nearly two decades that I have lived here has been consistently disappointing. While almost prescient in their anticipation of the Trump right, both the substance of their views and their lack of rhetorical sophistication has done an immense disservice to any of us seeking some balance to the ban-happy, nanny stateists who sadly dominate Newton politics and elective office. Perhaps better days are ahead for moderate, dissenting views.
I only hope he “feasibly can” get out of here soon. I don’t understand how he has continued to be the head of the Republican Party in Newton for so long. His hateful rhetoric compounded with lies has been a drain this community for years.
Good Riddance and I hope he enjoys celebrating Chanukah (Hanukkah) in the White House with his BBF Donald Trump
Norman, in terms of POTUS celebrating Chanukah, which you elect to raise, it does appear that Trump IS, by his actions (e.g, Jerusalem, Iran), a BFF of Israel and the Jewish people, at least compared to Obama (e.g, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab ‘Spring’, Iran).
Jim, You mean the same Donald Trump who according to the prosecutor’s office for the Southern District of New York, is an unindicted co-conspirator to two felonies? With friends like that who needs enemies.
Norman, in reply to your latest, first, NO Russian collusion found (original purpose of investigation); second, the “two felonies” only may pertain to campaign finance infringements — rarely ever prosecuted (and which many others have infringed, such as Obama, with no criminal indictment); and third, it was Trump’s own money paid for silencing bimbos which in itself is perfectly legal.
Anybody who can afford to live in Newton is not a victim of globalization. The last time I was at Stowe for skiing, I saw a Porsche with New York plates and a MAGA sticker. Dude, you ski in Stowe and you drive a Porsche. America is not great enough for you?