Here’s the video from the Nov. 27, 2018 Newton School Committee public hearing on a citizen’s petition about Newton Schools’ curriculum, followed by the committee’s deliberations and votes on the petitions.
Newton School Committee Curriculum Public Hearing November 27, 2018 from NewTV on Vimeo.
A statement released by the committee after the hearing can be found here.
This video is long. But I hope folks will find time to watch it.
After seven years of attacks on our schools and — more recently the targeting of teachers — this was undoubtedly one of the most important meetings — probably the most important — to take place in Newton this year.
Mayor Fuller’s comments (at the 3:02 mark), while a little rambling, no doubt given the hour, were especially critical. We needed our mayor to say this. She didn’t mince her words.
And — spoiler alert — there’s also the moment when Tom Mountain makes an announcement that we can only hope will happen soon. Newton’s Republicans deserve to be represented by someone who is interested in working collaboratively, not throwing tantrums and hand grenades.
I filmed Tom Mountain’s remarks from a different angle on my potato (apologies in advance for the quality).
Love it, @Michael. What Tom Mountain was saying about Newton not being welcoming to Republicans made me smile from ear to ear. While I believe that we are still an accepting place for fiscal conservatives and moderates, the current policies of the GOP go against everything Newton stands for. Should we welcome sexist, racist, science-denying old boys whose greed is making the world a far worse place?Not in my backyard. Enjoy the real estate search, Mountain!