I’m Your Recycling Person PSA from NewTV on Vimeo.
Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and NewTV produced this PSA, which calls attention to some changes in the City’s recycling program. Learn more on how to recycle right, www.newtonma.gov.
I’m Your Recycling Person PSA from NewTV on Vimeo.
Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and NewTV produced this PSA, which calls attention to some changes in the City’s recycling program. Learn more on how to recycle right, www.newtonma.gov.
This is so great that I was sorry it ended so quickly. Perhaps someday it will morph into a full length movie, you know like the way some “Saturday Night Live” skits have over the years.
Just two quibbles, Dana and Mayor Fuller: The Chateau (in Waltham) and New Balance? Really? Next time go for Fiorellas and the Barn.
Very cute!. I would have liked to see the plastic bags that frozen veggies come in. They are sturdier than the flimsy plastic bags; surely they can be recycled?
Does it defeat the purpose (save energy) to rinse your yogurts pots and tomato jars if you have to use so much water before they can go in the Recycle. Is it worth it? For the City who does not have to pay fines, OK; but what about the Environment?
I’m just going to say this and it is quite possible that I am the only one who feels this way. Every week when I open the Tab I can bank on the fact that there will be a photo of the Mayor in there. Always one in the feature “From the Mayor’s Office” (Did Setti Warren also have the weekly section??) I’m my opinion our Mayor is a bit of a narcissist and a master at self promotion.
This video just feeds into that narrative. That said, I think she did a good job with her timing a delivery. I’m just over her self promotion
The weekly TAB column from the mayor’s office did indeed begin during the Warren administration. I know because it was my idea.
I believe the current mayoral column is so noticeable because it often contains more news than the rest of the paper.
Don’t blame that on Mayor Fuller, blame GateHouse media for decimating the news staff. Back when Setti Warren was first elected the paper had three full time journalists, a photo staff, graphic designer and a hands-on editor in chief. Now it’s only Julie Cohen.
@claire we are of different minds. Note Setti did have a weekly column from the mayor’s office with Aaron Goldman’s picture.
I think hearing from the mayor on this is super important. She values it enough to take the time to make the message personally. That is pretty special. Same as her video supporting bike share. Some of the most popular mayors around are out doing the same thing. I remember listening to a reverse 911 call from Somerville Mayor Curatone. He took the time to make this recording himself, asking for people to be good to their neighbors and help them shovel, remind them of how many people rely on walking. I wanted to cry.
Mayor Fuller is doing a great job. She is keeping a very open door, trying really hard to be accessible to everyone and I for one like that.
Ruthanne and Dana keep those videos coming!
@Claire – I think it’s really hard to find the right amount to be in front of people, and not all people agree with how much is too much.
You feel that she’s being self-promotional, but to others it seems like she’s more actively engaging with the community. If she did less of this, you might feel it would be more appropriate but others would say she’s not visible enough on issues they care about. Personally, I prefer elected officials that are seen too much rather than too little, so I would personally give her the benefit of the doubt that she’s just trying to connect with the people as a new Mayor.
Tonight’s PBS News Hour had a segment that featured Cambridge’s recycling program, including food waste. Very interesting.
@ Greg “I believe the current mayoral column is so noticeable because it often contains more news than the rest of the paper.”
I agree that The Tab is sadly lacking in news but the column from the Mayor’s office is no news. It is public relations.
I know there has been much speculation but has the Mayor come out with a stance on Opt-Out vs. 2 to 4?
@Claire – Last I heard (a few weeks ago) the mayor had not, and wasn’t planning to, take a position on the referendum questions.
I personally think this is very cute. And I think Mayor Fuller and Dana were good sports to make this little commercial. But I think more public education needs to take place on what can and can not go into the green bins. The City needs to reach all households with this information. And they need to remember that not everyone is on social media, gets the Mayor’s email, or goes online for information. Mailings in water bills reach the owners….not the residents. More education is key to better success with recycling.
That was pretty goofy, but I liked it. I hope they continue with a broader campaign to educate people on how to recycle.
A group of us petitioned the mayor in April to send out an email we put together to all residents that told them in a short message about the fact that we are being fined every month, and shared info about the the Newton app as well as a pdf that has visuals of what can/cannot be recycled – and we got NOWHERE with her office.
So I can’t help but feel a bit aggravated to be getting this information only now, when over $40,000 more tax payers’ money was thrown out the window. But I guess better late than never. Not sure if the “cute” video will help; personally I prefer this guide that I have taped on the inside of one of my kitchen cabinets – https://therecyclingpartnership.app.box.com/s/axn2u34i2fwvar6300han520nhzdkm7y/file/78010943921.
@Patricia Loewy – Thanks for the guide. I’m sticking one over our recycling bin for this easily confused recycler.
I did love the video though. If you replace “Dana” with “Jerry” that script pretty much applies to my house – where my wife and daughter regularly bust me for flunking recycling.
I’m working on it.
Can’t help but feel a little “aggravated”….as it feels like you sort of dissed me in your comments.
Read again what I said about getting the word out to everyone. And please remember that not everyone gets the Mayor’s email. The video is cute and it has people talking. That’s a step in the right direction.
“single stream has not worked out as we imagined. We should discuss the option to sort out paper.” Newton’s Director of Sustainable Materials Management Waneta Trabert, 10/3, at the Public Facilities Committee Meeting.
Also interesting from the report, Waste Management said other communities have found the most effective way to reduce contamination in recycling was inspecting people’s recycling containers. Currently the City is paying $7,000 monthly in fees because of contaminated recycling.
Dissed you? I don’t even know who you are, and certainly didn’t write my post in response to anything you wrote.
I simply wanted to vent my frustration about the mayor taking so long to send an email to whoever gets hers; especially since our little group took time to come up with a concise message that could have gone out when the fines had “only” accumulated to +/- $21,000. We felt there was urgency back then. So when I saw the email, and how this “cute” video, I can’t get past “why only now”. I still don’t understand why our effort wasn’t welcomed, even if it wouldn’t have reached everybody.