Wicked Local Newton has posted this video of Newton resident Rigoberto Mendez being escorted by ICE out of the country.
Mendez was deported to Guatemala Friday morning. Mendez came to the U.S. illegally in 1991, from Guatemala, and had been struggling to remain ever since while raising a family here. His wife Imelda Felipe Lopez, also an undocumented immigrant, is being treated for brain cancer and cannot work, raising the possibility that his 18-year-old son Roberto Felipe Lopez will have to drop out of UMass Boston to provide for his mother and 10-year-old brother. [Video courtesy of the Lopez family]
Painful to watch
Vote in November. Get those despicable Republicans out of office!!
This is Roberto Mendez thank you for your comments it’s very sad leaving my family behind and a sick wife being separate from my family I don’t wish this to anybody it’s very painful
@Roberto: Thank you for checking in. What has happened to you and your family is outrageous and horrible. I am so sorry and am praying for your eventual return.
Our prayers are with you! Know that there are many here who continue to disagree with the ruling and actions. Let us know what can be done. Please continue to keep in touch!
I would urge all residents to lobby for worker guest programs, path to citizenship or legal status. Just leaving the borders open is not a long term solution, we want to have more people who want to work and contribute to come here legally.
This situation is played out hundreds of of times a month in MA, a larger solution is needed
Hey ICE employees, you’ve sufficiently PO’d a large enough chunk of the electorate at this point that you may want to start thinking about what legal ramifications await you, once an independent inspector general and new US Attorney get called in a couple of years from now to genuinely evaluate the complaints and allegations against your agency.
I would also urge you to consider whether (at the very least) your government pensions might not be as secure as you think, given current demographic trends and the prospect of a very different political landscape 20 years from now.
Deportations were an issue through all administrations, the solution is for democratic candidates to propose a long term solution. Either mass amnesty or a huge visa guest program or just open borders.
So far, I’ve heard nothing. A solution needs to be proposed.
Making veiled threats to ICE is not a solution. Lobby Democratic presidential candidates to present a solution
– create visa guest programs and allow deported immigrants such as mr lopez to participate
– lobby for a change in the law so his adult children can sponsor him back in
– lobby to allow american citizens to fully sponsor an immigrant if they agree to support their needs financially while in usa.
Small tweaks in the law should be achievable with enough lobbying. Resisting and threatening is not going to help anyone
This is rigoberto Mendez I watch President Trump speech I hope my lawyer can bring me back with my family soon as possible this is hard to explain how is heartbroken my family they need me Financial big time thanks for your comments God bless you