On the heels of news that UMass is acquiring Newton’s Mount Ida College, plans to build eight homes along Carlson Avenue will not go forward, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced today
“I’ve spoken with University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan and he’s committed to being a good neighbor and working with the residents of Newton,” Fuller said in a statement.
Meehan said that the present agreement on the eight parcels along Carlson Avenue would not go forward as part of the UMass transaction, which was part of a positive dialogue about the future of the campus, the statement added.
Confusing. Didn’t Mt. Ida already sell this land off for development? I don’t understand what Marty-the-One-Man-Party’s good neighbor policy has to do with things at this point.
The last V14 article, from January, says “Mount Ida College has sold an approximately five-acre parcel of land along Carlson Avenue to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
Let me answer my own question, after clicking through to the Tab article – the “Brendan Homes” proposal was only “under agreement” at that time. Good going, Marty!
What about the sale of land for a “Church of the Latter Day Saints?” Is this going forward?
The church is already a done deal. I’m happy for the Oak Hill park neighbors that will now retain the wooded buffer for the years to come.
How do we know that? Couldn’t UMass sell off unneeded parts of the property as well? They’re spending a lot of money while taking on a large property with lots of facilities to maintain, as well as a lot of debt.
UMass doesnt need to worry about money, they have an unlimited bank piggy bank courtesy of state tax payers.
If the UMass Stem dept in Newton is successful, it may encourage more tech companies to open offices in Newton
Um, the UMass system is consistently underfunded by the state. It does NOT have an unlimited piggy bank; it has to fight for funding every year. I don’t understand why the state is so reluctant to make education a top priority.
Meanwhile, it is great news that the houses will not be built. There are already enough McMansions in that part of Newton. Good work, Mayor Fuller!
UMass can be truly innovative with this campus by making it primarily non-motorized and connecting with a non-motorized Wells Ave. Create safe bike route connections to campus, and locate & consolidate parking on the outer boundaries of both Wells Ave and UMass campus.
Low-speed electric vehicles (golf carts & ebikes) can provide mobility for folks who have mobility difficulties.
That’s for starters. Innovation would also mean building a net zero energy/water/waste campus. Is UMass up to the innovation challenge?
Lovely to see how so many here are concerned for the students. You think Marty Meehan will keep his word? Good luck to you!
Don’t be so fast to withdraw your petition of relief. This transaction may not happen as quickly as you think it might, despite all of your nefrarious efforts. Let’s see what the results of the 5/16 hearing are before y’all start giving each other high 5’s