The Newton Coalition for Climate Action is pushing for a 53% renewable energy purchase as part of Newton’s Initial municipal aggregation contract. 

Letter from the coalition, in part:

Our Coalition recommends that Newton Power Choice, in its initial municipal aggregation contract, set a default percent of Class 1 New England renewables well above both the state mandate of 13% in 2018 and Brookline’s default of 25% above the state mandate set in their 2017 contract. We support a default of 40% above the state mandate in the initial Newton Power Choice contract (a total of 53% Class 1 New England renewable energy). This number is feasible and will meet the newly adopted international carbon roadmap to reduce global warming in time, driven by a simple rule of thumb, or ‘carbon law’, of halving emissions every decade. This will catalyze the necessary disruptive innovation necessary to reduce carbon emissions to a safe level. ( halve-emissions.html)


To learn about Newton residents’ willingness to pay a somewhat higher price for this greener electricity, the Coalition asked Green Newton to sponsor a statistically reliable, random, zip-code-based survey. The survey results show strong support for green electricity among Newton residents, even among those who have modest incomes. 87% of respondents would pay more for green electricity, and of these, 78% support a total level of renewables ranging between 50% and 100%. For the average Newton household paying $150 a month for electricity, this would mean an additional cost of $8 per month (based on today’s Class 1 renewable energy prices).

Anyone can sign on as a supporter of the proposal, there’s a form on their website.