Rep Joe Kennedy III has been selected to deliver the official Democratic response to President Trump’s State of the Union address next week, the Globe reports.
Our congressman to deliver Dems’ response to Trump’s State of the Union
by Greg Reibman | Jan 25, 2018 | Joe Kennedy | 18 comments
So proud of our Congressman. Joe is one of the most down to earth, straight shooting people I’ve met. He’s very accessible and constantly doing events in the district. For those who haven’t met him, I recommend you make a point to get out to an event of his if you have a chance.
When he started his second term, my hope was that he would become more vocal. He has more than fulfilled that hope. Looking forward to his response, if not the speech he will be responding to.
We all should be so proud of our congressman. Joe’s growth has been impressive and he is the right choice to represent all Democrats on the national stage. I’m so happy for him and this opportunity to show everyone what we have learned about this steady public servant…..Intellect, vision and heart.
He is what elected officials should aspire to be.
I have no issue per sea with Joe Kennedy’s job performance but he seems like an odd choice. Does the Dem Party really want to have a privileged, wealthy white guy as the face of the party delivering the Democratic response at this point in time? Seems a bit tone deaf and a missed opportunity.
I don’t know Claire: Having someone who genuinely cares about people; treats everyone respectfully; spends an inordinate amount of time researching, reading, listening and thinking about issues before he opens his mouth; is able to string together a sentence with ease; always displays great humility; has read the U.S. Constitution; and treats the office he holds with dignity, seems like the ideal individual to put on opposite Donald Trump.
Maybe he’ll tell us how we shouldn’t vote for politicians based on name recognition alone!
Or he’ll tell us how his college education was paid for with foreign political funds his parents got from Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez ! The Kennedy’s were paid in oil–blood money really–to promote Venezuela as benevolent government despite its crimes against humanity.
Only a Kennedy can charge poor people for heating fuel he got for free-and be called humanitarians! They made about one million a year in this scam until Chavez died.
free oil:
sold at 40% market rate:
Yields Kennedy’s profits of $1 million a year:
@Greg, I seriously doubt Joe Kennedy is the only Dem in Washington who possesses those qualities so no, doesn’t make him the “ideal” individual. As a matter of fact I know he isn’t the only Dem. I stand by tone deaf choice. Kennedy, Bush, Clinton names are not really an asset at the moment and I write that as someone who has voted for a Clinton every time he and she ran.
Even a year or so back, I would have said Joe K. was not the right choice; but I’ve heard him in recent months and I’ve been increasingly impressed with his issues and presentation. Reminds me a bit of how I saw JFK grow in office. I was an Adlai Stevenson guy in 1960 and was pretty heavily engaged in a statewide movement to draft him for a third try against JFK who had this state locked up in the primary fight. To make a long story short, I went into the Navy just as the campaign between Nixon and Kennedy was getting underway. I was overseas and never saw or heard Kennedy speak until I landed back stateside in late 1963 and caught his last televised press conference just a week before he was assassinated. I was bowled over by how this man had grown in office and the commanding presence he put forward. He had become the leader I never thought he was in Massachusetts. I think Joe K has the same capacity to grow as a leader not because he’s a Kennedy, but just because of what I think his potential is. I just hope he will be bold, targeted and forceful and that he will check out the “Behind the Curtain” post on Congressman Mike Capuano’s website. This is a chronological listing of the substance and horribly adverse effects of every major deregulation initiative undertaken by the Trump Administration since they came into office. A must read for anyone that thinks massive deregulation is a good thing.
This is off topic and it’s been said many times before but is worthy of repeating regularly: It is a privilege to have Bob Burke sharing his memories and perspective on Village 14 and to have him as friend, neighbor and a part of our community.
Okay back to Joe Kennedy…
@David M – The sins of the fathers should not be visited upon their sons or daughters.
Most of us here (I believe) are willing to judge Mr. Kennedy on his own actions.
It’s quite an honor to be singled out from a pool of around 252 accomplished individuals. This raises his national profile pretty early in his career. He has obviously impressed a lot of people and it is unlikely this is due to his last name.
Photos from his Newton North visit. Found him pretty thoughtful in speaking and answering questions.
@Jack – Those are some great pictures, thanks or sharing.
@Rich, that’s hilarious–Joe NEVER would have been elected if his last name wasn’t Kennedy. He didn’t even live in the district when he entered the race! Yet, we’re suppose to ignore his last name when it has negative connotations and not ask how he became one of the wealthiest congressman with a net worth north of $50M?
The Kennedys actually have more money that the Trumps.
@David M. If you feel that Kennedy is somehow deficient because of his family name, perhaps you should do the patriotic thing and throw your hat in the ring to run against him. I know one thing for sure. He’d feel comfortable debating you or anyone else that comes down the Pike except perhaps from a totally unanticipated return to campaigning by Barney Frank.
And Greg. A very special thanks for those kind comments.
I’m sure that Congressman Kennedy will be an articulate spokesman in response to Trump. It’s clear Mr. Kennedy has a lot of support here in Newton…
While I was initially very enthusiastic about his election to congress, his voting record and position on some issues made me pull a quick U-turn. One of Kennedy’s first votes was in favor of continuing NSA’s massive data collection from law abiding citizens, and extending the use of FISA courts. Both of those activities are clearly inconsistent with our country’s constitution…
I was encouraged to see Congressman Kennedy reverse his position, and vote against these same things a couple of weeks ago. So he appears to be learning on the job, which is a good thing…
But one area where Kennedy remains woefully out of touch with his constituents is cannabis reform. He opposed medical marijuana, and remains opposed to recreational marijuana despite its passage at the ballot box. NORML the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws grades Joe Kennedy a “D.” In contrast to his predecessor, Barney Frank [who supported legalization], Kennedy has been a huge disappointment to those of us who support a sane marijuana policy.
I read that there will be no fewer than FIVE Democrat response!!