As I mentioned recently, the Newton Conservators regularly lead wonderful aqueduct walks along the Cochituate and Sudbury aqueducts. Their walks start in Waban Square, head down the Cochituate to Four Corners, down the Sudbury pipe to Echo Bridge and then back to Waban Square on the streets.
Those two aqueducts and the Charles River form a triangle.
Sunday (11/26) is going to be a nice day for walking so here’s my plan. Anybody who is interested should turn up at Starbucks in Waban Square at 1 PM. We’ll walk the other portion of that triangle. The route will be to head the opposite direction on the Cochituate aqueduct (towards Wellesley). We’ll follow the aqueduct to the Charles River and then walk along the river on the lovely Quinobequin Trail up to Echo Bridge. From there we’ll take streets back to Waban Square.
The whole route is about 4 miles. Most of it is relatively easy flat walking but there are a few spots of significant ups and downs along the way. I’ll be your tour guide and tell you what I know along the way. With luck maybe some of you are a bit more knowledgeable and come for the walk too.
Send me an email ([email protected]) to let me know you’re coming … or just show up. The more the merrier. Kids welcome too so long as they’re up for a four mile walk. I hope to see you there.
I would have attended and loved the hike, but the Pats host Miami at 1 pm. If it were earlier..
No worries Harry. I’ll bring my hiking TV for you.
I had another obligation this afternoon; otherwise I would have been there. Jerry conducts a world class tour whatever the venue or location. These are great trails on which to take a long hike. I do have a few secret stories about both these aqueducts that I’ve never shared with Jerry. Maybe I’ll declassify them the next time we have a hike on these systems. Some parts of these aqueduct systems were built when John Quincy Adams was in the White House. There’s a lot of history here.
We were walking along the Quinonequin path this morning, sorry to have missed the tour.
It was a great crew and a nice day for the walk. We had I think 15 walkers including kids, a dog, and a sister (mine).
Jerry, thank you for a most awesome walk and education, it was a picture-perfect New England November hike full of all that Newton has to offer!
@Joanne – It was a great walk and I’m happy you joined us. I had no idea you were Village14 Joanne – pleased to meet you.
@Jerry – I have a couple photos I can send you….also there are a couple Joannes on Village14 so I may become JoJo (not to be confused).