Reporter Jenna Fisher tells the story on Patch this week about former TAB editor, Village 14 blogger and author Gail Spector’s decision to run for school committee:

| Newton MA News and Politics BlogSpector, a Newton Democrat who while she was editor for the TAB had to put her political leanings on hold for a couple years, said when she saw that Amy Masters a Chronicle producer was planning to run for School Committee for Ward her heart swelled.


“I loved the idea of a journalist on the School Committee,” she said. “Journalists know how to ask questions. Journalists know how to get answers, they don’t back down we know how to get what we need. Journalists are very resourceful,” she said. And they tend to be good communicators, the perfect person to ensure what’s happening on the committee is communicated transparently to the rest of the city, she said.


But when Masters fell ill a month before papers were due, Spector did some inner searching.


“I thought, I spent my career as an editor telling Newton residents that they should run for office,” she said. Uncontested races weren’t good for the city, or Democracy she said. “And here I was, my kids were grown, I love Newton Public Schools and the timing was right. I thought: “It’s time to step up.”