Eli Katzoff, who finished fourth in the preliminary election for mayor has issued this…
As a former candidate in Newton’s preliminary mayoral run-off, I am pleased to endorse Ruthanne Fuller for Mayor of Newton.
Having participated in sometimes daily public forums with all the candidates, I had the chance to hear them talk about the issues—on the record and in private. What I always noticed about Ruthanne was how well prepared she was. She knew her material front to back. This is a person with a wealth of knowledge who always knows what she’s talking about.
At public events, she didn’t just repeat the same positions over and over; she brought new material to each forum that was specific to that forum’s interests. It’s easy to bring a stack of papers for reference. It’s a lot harder to know the contents of those papers inside and out. Ruthanne excels at this. She has a knack for summing things up so they are digestible to others, which is a critical character trait for someone who’s going to run our city.
Ruthanne was exceptionally welcoming to me as a newcomer to electoral politics. She went beyond mere politeness. This speaks to her character. I highlight this because I often notice that discussions about our future mayor tend to focus only on background and specific qualifications. Yet, to me, what separates a good mayor from a great mayor is who that person is.
The question we should ask ourselves now is do we want a good mayor or a great mayor. I believe we have a chance to have a great mayor. That’s why I’m voting for Ruthanne Fuller.
Eli Katzoff, former mayoral candidate
Just love Eli ! A real breath of fresh air during this election cycle. Glad you are on #TeamFuller ! #Fuller4Mayor #EliRocks
hmm…if 610 is still more than 162 these days, it would seem that he finished 5th
Please please please run for councilor next time!
Pointless. The city dog catcher’s endorsement would have more of an effect on this election, and we don’t even have one.
Eli seems like a decent fella, but he did not endear himself with his lazy approach to running for mayor. I watched video of a few of the debates and he was woefully undereducated on the most central issues. It would be terrific if he ran for councilor or got on a commission. But, if does run for councilor (or even dog-catcher), he ought to approach the opportunity with more seriousness.